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fredrikekre committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 336ac15 commit 2586a0a
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307 changes: 307 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/topics/
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Expand Up @@ -83,3 +83,310 @@ for t in 1:timesteps
# ...

## Comparison of assembly strategies

As discussed above there are various ways to assemble the local matrix into the global one.
In particular, it was mentioned that naive indexing is very inefficient and using an
assembler is faster. To put some concrete numbers to these statements we will compare some
strategies in this section. First we compare just a single assembly operation (e.g.
assembling an already computed local matrix) and then to relate this to a more realistic
scenario we compare the full matrix assembly including the integration of all the elements.

!!! note "Pre-allocated global matrix"
All strategies that we compare below uses a pre-allocated global matrix `K` with the
correct sparsity pattern. Starting with something like
`K = spzeros(ndofs(dh), ndofs(dh))` and then inserting entries is excruciatingly slow
due to the sparse data structure so this method is not even considered.

For the comparison we need a representative global matrix to assemble into. In the following
setup code we create grid with traingles and a DofHandler with two fields (a quadratic
vector field and a linear scalar field). From this we instantiate the global matrix.

```@example assembly-perf
using Ferrite
# Interpolations
ip_u = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 2}()^2 # Quadratic vector field
ip_p = Lagrange{RefTriangle, 1}() # Linear scalar field
# DofHandler with two fields
const N = 100
grid = generate_grid(Triangle, (N, N))
const dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, ip_u)
add!(dh, :p, ip_p)
# Global matrix and a corresponding assembler
const K = allocate_matrix(dh)
nothing # hide

#### Strategy 1: matrix indexing

The first strategy is to index directly, using the vector of global dofs, into the global

```@example assembly-perf
function assemble_v1(_, K, dofs, Ke)
K[dofs, dofs] += Ke
nothing # hide

This looks very simple but it is very inefficient (as the numbers will show later). To
understand why the operation `K[dofs, dofs] += Ke` (with `K` being a sparse matrix) is so
slow we can dig into the details.

In Julia there is no "`+=`"-operation: `x += y` is identical to `x = x + y`. Translating
this to our example we have

K[dofs, dofs] = K[dofs, dofs] + Ke

We can break down this a bit further by introducing some temporary variables:

tmp1 = K[dofs, dofs] # 1
tmp2 = tmp1 + Ke # 2
K[dofs, dofs] = tmp2 # 3

Now the problem with this strategy becomes a bit more obvious.
- In line 1 there is first an allocation of a new matrix (`tmp1`) followed by indexing into
`K` to copy elements from `K` to `tmp1`. Both of these operations are rather costly:
allocations should always be minimized in tight loops, and indexing into a sparse matrix
is non-trivial due to the data structure. In addition, since `dofs` vector contains the
global indices (which are not sorted nor consecutive) we have random access patterns.
- In line 2 there is another allocation of a matrix (`tmp2`) for the result of the addition
of `tmp1` and `Ke`.
- In line 3 we again need to index into the sparse matrix to copy over the elements from
`tmp2` to `K`. This essentially duplicates the indexing effort from line 1 since we
lookup the same locations in `K` again.

#### Strategy 2: scalar indexing

A variant of the first strategy is to explicitly loop over the indices and add add the
elements individually as scalars:

```@example assembly-perf
function assemble_v2(_, K, dofs, Ke)
for (i, I) in pairs(dofs)
for (j, J) in pairs(dofs)
K[I, J] += Ke[i, j]
nothing # hide

The core operation `K[I, J] += Ke[i, j]` can still be broken down into

tmp1 = K[I, J]
tmp2 = tmp1 + Ke[i, j]
K[I, J] = tmp2

but the key difference here is that we index using integers (`I`, `J`, `i`, and `j`) which
means that `tmp1` and `tmp2` are scalars which don't need to be allocated on the heap. This
stragety thus eliminates the allocations that were present in the first strategy. However,
we still lookup the same location in `K` twice, and we still have random access patterns.

#### Strategy 3: scalar indexing with single lookup

To improve on the second strategy we will get rid of the double lookup into the sparse
matrix `K`. While Julia doesn't have a "`+=`"-operation there is a `addindex!`-function in
Ferrite which does exactly what we want: it adds a value to a specific location in a sparse
with a single lookup.

```@example assembly-perf
function assemble_v3(_, K, dofs, Ke)
for (i, I) in pairs(dofs)
for (j, J) in pairs(dofs)
Ferrite.addindex!(K, Ke[i, j], I, J)
nothing # hide

With this method we remove the double lookup, but the issue of random access patterns still

#### Strategy 4: using an assembler

Finally, the last strategy we consider uses an assembler. The assembler is a specific
datastructure that pre-allocates some workspace to make the assembly more efficient:

```@example assembly-perf
function assemble_v4(assembler, _, dofs, Ke)
assemble!(assembler, dofs, Ke)
nothing # hide

The extra workspace inside the assembler is used to sort the dofs when `assemble!` is
called. After sorting it is possible to loop over the sparse matrix data structure in one go
instead of having to lookup locations randomly.

### Single element assembly

First we will compare the four functions above for a single assembly operation, i.e.
inserting one local matrix into the global one. For this we simply create a random local
matrix since we are not conserned with the actual values. We also pick the "middle" element
and extract the dofs for that element. Finally, an assembler is created with
`start_assemble` to use with the fourth strategy.

```@example assembly-perf
dofs_per_cell = ndofs_per_cell(dh)
const Ke = rand(dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell)
const dofs = celldofs(dh, N * N ÷ 2)
const assembler = start_assemble(K)

We use BenchmarkTools to measure the performance:

```@example assembly-perf
assemble_v1(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) # hide
assemble_v2(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) # hide
assemble_v3(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) # hide
assemble_v4(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) # hide
nothing # hide

using BenchmarkTools

@btime assemble_v1(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) evals = 10 setup = Ferrite.fillzero!(K)
@btime assemble_v2(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) evals = 10 setup = Ferrite.fillzero!(K)
@btime assemble_v3(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) evals = 10 setup = Ferrite.fillzero!(K)
@btime assemble_v4(assembler, K, dofs, Ke) evals = 10 setup = Ferrite.fillzero!(K)

The results below are obtained on an Macbook Pro with an Apple M3 CPU.

3.627 ms (40 allocations: 42.33 MiB)
2.362 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
1.283 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
404.100 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The results match what we expect based on the explanations above:
- Between strategy 1 and 2 we got rid of the allocations completely and decreased the time
with a factor of 1500(!).
- Between strategy 2 and 3 we got rid of the double lookup and decreased the time with a
factor of 2.
- Between strategy 3 and 4 we got rid of random lookup order and decreased the time with a
factor of 3.

The most important thing for this benchmark is to get rid of the allocations. By using an
assembler instead of doing the naive thing we reduce the runtime with a factor of almost

### Full system assembly

We will now compare the four strategies in a more realistic scenario where we assemble all
elements. This is to put the assembly performance in relation to other operations in the
finite element program. Assembly performance might not matter in the end if other things
dominate the runtime.

For this comparison we use the global assembly routine from
[Tutorial 8: Stokes flow]( The routine is modified to i) only assemble the
global matrix and ii) to take an assembly function as the first argument so that we can pass
the four variants from above.

```@example assembly-perf
function assemble_system!(assembler_function::F, K, dh, cvu, cvp) where {F}
assembler = start_assemble(K)
ke = zeros(ndofs_per_cell(dh), ndofs_per_cell(dh))
range_u = dof_range(dh, :u)
ndofs_u = length(range_u)
range_p = dof_range(dh, :p)
ndofs_p = length(range_p)
ϕᵤ = Vector{Vec{2,Float64}}(undef, ndofs_u)
∇ϕᵤ = Vector{Tensor{2,2,Float64,4}}(undef, ndofs_u)
divϕᵤ = Vector{Float64}(undef, ndofs_u)
ϕₚ = Vector{Float64}(undef, ndofs_p)
for cell in CellIterator(dh)
reinit!(cvu, cell)
reinit!(cvp, cell)
ke .= 0
for qp in 1:getnquadpoints(cvu)
dΩ = getdetJdV(cvu, qp)
for i in 1:ndofs_u
ϕᵤ[i] = shape_value(cvu, qp, i)
∇ϕᵤ[i] = shape_gradient(cvu, qp, i)
divϕᵤ[i] = shape_divergence(cvu, qp, i)
for i in 1:ndofs_p
ϕₚ[i] = shape_value(cvp, qp, i)
for (i, I) in pairs(range_u), (j, J) in pairs(range_u)
ke[I, J] += ( ∇ϕᵤ[i] ⊡ ∇ϕᵤ[j] ) * dΩ
for (i, I) in pairs(range_u), (j, J) in pairs(range_p)
ke[I, J] += ( -divϕᵤ[i] * ϕₚ[j] ) * dΩ
for (i, I) in pairs(range_p), (j, J) in pairs(range_u)
ke[I, J] += ( -divϕᵤ[j] * ϕₚ[i] ) * dΩ
assembler_function(assembler, K, celldofs(cell), ke)
nothing # hide

Finally, we need cellvalues for the two fields in order to perform the integration:

```@example assembly-perf
qr = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(2)
const cellvalues_u = CellValues(qr, ip_u)
const cellvalues_p = CellValues(qr, ip_p)
nothing # hide

```@example assembly-perf
res = 1610.6222565099367 # hide
# assemble_system!(assemble_v1, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p) # hide
# @assert norm(K.nzval) ≈ res # hide
assemble_system!(assemble_v2, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p) # hide
@assert norm(K.nzval) ≈ res # hide
assemble_system!(assemble_v3, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p) # hide
@assert norm(K.nzval) ≈ res # hide
assemble_system!(assemble_v4, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p) # hide
@assert norm(K.nzval) ≈ res # hide
nothing # hide

@time assemble_system!(assemble_v1, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p)
@time assemble_system!(assemble_v2, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p)
@time assemble_system!(assemble_v3, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p)
@time assemble_system!(assemble_v4, K, dh, cellvalues_u, cellvalues_p)

Results (running on the same machine as above):

75.229110 seconds (799.99 k allocations: 826.668 GiB, 8.20% gc time)
0.075369 seconds (12 allocations: 3.516 KiB)
0.037568 seconds (12 allocations: 3.516 KiB)
0.027457 seconds (14 allocations: 3.766 KiB)

This follows the same trend as for the benchmarks for individual cell assembly and shows
that the efficiency of the assembly strategy is crucial for the overall performance of the
program. In particular this benchmark shows that allocations in such a tight loop from the
first strategy is very costly and puts a strain on the garbage collector: 8% of the time is
spent in GC instead of crunching numbers.

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