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Increased test coverage for internal operations (#104)
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termi-official authored Nov 10, 2023
1 parent 9b1a38a commit 616c95a
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Showing 2 changed files with 168 additions and 66 deletions.
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -512,17 +512,15 @@ function interpolate_gradient_field(dh::Ferrite.DofHandler{spatial_dim}, u::Abst
dh_gradient = Ferrite.DofHandler(getgrid(dh))
ip_gradient = get_gradient_interpolation(ip)
field_dim = Ferrite.getfielddim(dh,field_name)
push!(dh_gradient, :gradient, field_dim*spatial_dim, ip_gradient) # field dim × spatial dim components
Ferrite.add!(dh_gradient, :gradient, field_dim*spatial_dim, ip_gradient) # field dim × spatial dim components
for fieldname in copy_fields
_field_idx = Ferrite.find_field(dh, fieldname)
_ip = Ferrite.getfieldinterpolation(dh, _field_idx)
_field_dim = Ferrite.getfielddim(dh,fieldname)
push!(dh_gradient, fieldname, _field_dim, _ip)
Ferrite.add!(dh_gradient, fieldname, _field_dim, _ip)

num_base_funs = Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(ip_gradient)

# FIXME this does not work for mixed grids
ip_geom = Ferrite.default_interpolation(typeof(Ferrite.getcells(getgrid(dh), 1)))
ref_coords_gradient = Ferrite.reference_coordinates(ip_gradient)
Expand All @@ -535,22 +533,22 @@ function interpolate_gradient_field(dh::Ferrite.DofHandler{spatial_dim}, u::Abst

# Allocate storage for the fluxes to store
u_gradient = zeros(Ferrite.ndofs(dh_gradient))
# In general uᵉ_gradient is an order 3 tensor [field_dim, spatial_dim, num_base_funs]
# In general uᵉ_gradient is an order 3 tensor [field_dim, spatial_dim, nqp]
uᵉ_gradient = zeros(length(cell_dofs_gradient[Ferrite.dof_range(dh_gradient, :gradient)]))
uᵉ_gradient_view = reshape(uᵉ_gradient, (spatial_dim, field_dim, num_base_funs))
uᵉ = zeros(field_dim*Ferrite.getnbasefunctions(ip))
uᵉshape = (spatial_dim, field_dim, Ferrite.getnquadpoints(cv))
uᵉ_gradient_view = reshape(uᵉ_gradient, uᵉshape)

for (cell_num, cell) in enumerate(Ferrite.CellIterator(dh))
# Get element dofs on parent field
Ferrite.celldofs!(cell_dofs, dh, cell_num)
uᵉ .= u[cell_dofs[Ferrite.dof_range(dh, field_name)]]
uᵉ = @views u[cell_dofs[Ferrite.dof_range(dh, field_name)]]

# And initialize cellvalues for the cell to evaluate the gradient at the basis functions
# of the gradient field
Ferrite.reinit!(cv, cell)

# Now we simply loop over all basis functions of the gradient field and evaluate the gradient
for i 1:num_base_funs
for i 1:Ferrite.getnquadpoints(cv)
uᵉgradi = Ferrite.function_gradient(cv, i, uᵉ)
for ds in 1:spatial_dim
for df in 1:field_dim
Expand Down
218 changes: 161 additions & 57 deletions test/runtests.jl
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@@ -1,75 +1,179 @@
using FerriteViz
using FerriteViz, Ferrite
using Test

# _test_tolerance(ip::Interpolation{<:Any,<:Any,1}) = 5e-1
_test_tolerance(ip::Interpolation) = 1e-6 # Float32 computations are involved!

# TODO move this into Ferrite core
struct MatrixValued <: Ferrite.FieldTrait end

@testset "gradient fields (scalar)" begin
function Ferrite.function_value(::MatrixValued, fe_v::Ferrite.Values{dim}, q_point::Int, u::AbstractVector) where {dim}
n_base_funcs = Ferrite.getn_scalarbasefunctions(fe_v)
length(u) == n_base_funcs*dim^2 || Ferrite.throw_incompatible_dof_length(length(u), n_base_funcs)
@boundscheck Ferrite.checkquadpoint(fe_v, q_point)
val = zero(Tensor{2, dim})

@inbounds for I 1:n_base_funcs*dim^2
# First flatten to vector
i0, c0 = divrem(I - 1, dim^2)
i = i0 + 1
v = Ferrite.shape_value(fe_v, q_point, i)

# Then compute matrix index
ci0, cj0 = divrem(c0, dim)
ci = ci0 + 1
cj = cj0 + 1

val += Ferrite.Tensor{2, dim}((k, l) -> k == ci && l == cj ? v*u[I] : zero(v))

return val

@testset "utility operations" begin
# Check scalar problems
for (size, geo, ip) [(21, Triangle, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}()),
(7,Triangle, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,2}()),
(5,Triangle, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,3}()),
#(21,Tetrahedron, Lagrange{3,RefTetrahedron,1}()), #converges rather slowly in the gradient
(7,Tetrahedron, Lagrange{3,RefTetrahedron,2}()),
(21,Quadrilateral, Lagrange{2,RefCube,1}()),
(7,Quadrilateral, Lagrange{2,RefCube,2}()),
#(21,Hexahedron, Lagrange{3,RefCube,1}()), # slows down the pipeline quite a bit, so left out
(7,Hexahedron, Lagrange{3,RefCube,2}())]
@testset "($size, $geo, $ip)" begin
# Compute solution
dh, u = manufactured_heat_problem(geo, ip, size)
ip_geo = Ferrite.default_interpolation(typeof(Ferrite.getcells(FerriteViz.getgrid(dh), 1)))
for (num_elements_per_dim, geo, ip) [
# (4,Triangle, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,1}()),
(2,Triangle, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,2}()),
(2,Triangle, Lagrange{2,RefTetrahedron,3}()),
# (5,Tetrahedron, Lagrange{3,RefTetrahedron,1}()),
(2,Tetrahedron, Lagrange{3,RefTetrahedron,2}()),
# (4,Quadrilateral, Lagrange{2,RefCube,1}()),
(2,Quadrilateral, Lagrange{2,RefCube,2}()),
# (4,Hexahedron, Lagrange{3,RefCube,1}()),
(2,Hexahedron, Lagrange{3,RefCube,2}())
@testset "scalar($num_elements_per_dim, $geo, $ip)" begin
# Get solution
dim = Ferrite.getdim(ip)
qr = QuadratureRule{dim, Ferrite.getrefshape(ip)}(1)

# Check solution
cellvalues = CellScalarValues(qr, Ferrite.getfieldinterpolation(dh, 1), ip_geo);
for cell in CellIterator(dh)
reinit!(cellvalues, cell)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
coords = getcoordinates(cell)
uₑ = u[celldofs(cell)]
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
x = spatial_coordinate(cellvalues, q_point, coords)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
uₐₙₐ = prod(cos, x*π/2)
uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ = function_value(cellvalues, q_point, uₑ)
@test isapprox(uₐₙₐ, uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ; atol=1e-2)
grid = generate_grid(geo, ntuple(x->num_elements_per_dim, dim));

dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, ip)

u = Vector{Float64}(undef, ndofs(dh))
f_ana(x::Union{Vec{2},FerriteViz.GeometryBasics.Point{2}}) = 0.5x[1]^2 - 2x[2]^2 + x[1]*x[2]
f_ana(x::Union{Vec{3},FerriteViz.GeometryBasics.Point{3}}) = -x[1]^2 + 0.3*x[2]^2 + 2*x[3]^2 + 5x[1]*x[2] - 2x[1]*x[3] + 0.1x[3]*x[2]
Ferrite.apply_analytical!(u, dh, :u, f_ana)

@testset "solution fields" begin
plotter = FerriteViz.MakiePlotter(dh,u)
data = FerriteViz.transfer_solution(plotter,u,process=x->x)[:,1]
visible_nodes = .!isnan.(data)# TODO add API
@test all(isapprox.(data[visible_nodes], f_ana.(plotter.physical_coords[visible_nodes]); atol=_test_tolerance(ip)))

# Compute gradient/flux field
@testset "gradient fields" begin
(dh_grad, u_grad) = FerriteViz.interpolate_gradient_field(dh, u, :u)

# Check gradient of solution
@testset "interpolate_gradient_field" begin
qr = QuadratureRule{dim,Ferrite.getrefshape(ip)}(2) # TODO sample random point
ip_geo = Ferrite.default_interpolation(geo)
ip_grad = Ferrite.getfieldinterpolation(dh_grad, Ferrite.find_field(dh_grad, :gradient))
cellvalues_grad = Ferrite.CellVectorValues(qr, ip_grad, ip_geo)
for cell in CellIterator(dh_grad)
reinit!(cellvalues_grad, cell)
coords = getcoordinates(cell)
uₑ = @views u_grad[celldofs(cell)]
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_grad)
x = spatial_coordinate(cellvalues_grad, q_point, coords)
uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ = function_value(cellvalues_grad, q_point, uₑ)
uₐₙₐ = Tensors.gradient(f_ana, x)
@test all(isapprox.(uₐₙₐ, uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ;atol=_test_tolerance(ip)))

# Check for correct transfer
@testset "transfer_solution" begin
plotter_grad = FerriteViz.MakiePlotter(dh_grad,u_grad)
data_grad = FerriteViz.transfer_solution(plotter_grad,u_grad; field_name=:gradient, process=x->x)
visible_nodes_grad = .!isnan.(data_grad)
for i 1:size(data_grad, 1)
!visible_nodes_grad[i] && continue
x = Vec{dim,Float64}(plotter_grad.physical_coords[i])
∇uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ = Vec{dim,Float64}(data_grad[i,:])
∇uₐₙₐ = Tensors.gradient(f_ana, x)
@test all(isapprox.(∇uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ, ∇uₐₙₐ; atol=_test_tolerance(ip)))

@testset "vector($num_elements_per_dim, $geo, $ip)" begin
# Get solution
dim = Ferrite.getdim(ip)
grid = generate_grid(geo, ntuple(x->num_elements_per_dim, dim));

dh = DofHandler(grid)
add!(dh, :u, dim, ip)

# Some test functions with rather complicated gradients
f_ana(x::Union{Vec{3},FerriteViz.GeometryBasics.Point{3}}) = Vec{3}((
-x[1]^2 + 0.3*x[2]^2 + 2*x[3]^2 + 5x[1]*x[2] - 2x[1]*x[3] + 0.1x[3]*x[2],
x[1]^2 - 0.3*x[2]^2 + 1*x[3]^2 - 5x[1]*x[2] + 2x[1]*x[3] ,
1.3*x[2]^2 - 2*x[3]^2 + 5x[1]*x[2] - 0.7x[1]*x[3] - 0.1x[3]*x[2],
f_ana(x::Union{Vec{2},FerriteViz.GeometryBasics.Point{2}}) = Vec{2}((
-x[1]^2 + 0.3*x[2]^2 + 5x[1]*x[2],
x[1]^2 + 2.3*x[2]^2 - 0.1x[1]*x[2],
u = Vector{Float64}(undef, ndofs(dh))
Ferrite.apply_analytical!(u, dh, :u, f_ana)

@testset "solution fields" begin
plotter = FerriteViz.MakiePlotter(dh,u)
data = FerriteViz.transfer_solution(plotter,u,process=x->x)
visible_nodes = .!isnan.(data)# TODO add API
for i 1:size(data, 1)
!visible_nodes[i] && continue
uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ = Vec{dim}(data[i,:])
uₐₙₐ = f_ana(Vec{dim}(plotter.physical_coords[i]))
@test all(isapprox.(uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ, uₐₙₐ; atol=_test_tolerance(ip)))

# Compute gradient/flux field
(dh_grad, u_grad) = FerriteViz.interpolate_gradient_field(dh, u, :u)

# Check gradient of solution
cellvalues_grad = CellVectorValues(qr, Ferrite.getfieldinterpolation(dh_grad, 1), ip_geo);
for cell in CellIterator(dh_grad)
reinit!(cellvalues_grad, cell)
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues_grad)
coords = getcoordinates(cell)
uₑ = u_grad[celldofs(cell)]
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_grad)
x = spatial_coordinate(cellvalues_grad, q_point, coords)
for i 1:n_basefuncs
uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ = function_value(cellvalues_grad, q_point, uₑ)
for d 1:dim
uₐₙₐ = π/2
for j 1:(d-1)
uₐₙₐ *= cos(x[j]*π/2)
uₐₙₐ *= -sin(x[d]*π/2)
for j (d+1):dim
uₐₙₐ *= cos(x[j]*π/2)
@test isapprox(uₐₙₐ, uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ[d]; atol=1e-1)
@testset "gradient fields" begin
(dh_grad, u_grad) = FerriteViz.interpolate_gradient_field(dh, u, :u)

# Check gradient of solution
@testset "interpolate_gradient_field" begin
qr = QuadratureRule{dim,Ferrite.getrefshape(ip)}(2) # TODO sample random point
ip_geo = Ferrite.default_interpolation(geo)
ip_grad = Ferrite.getfieldinterpolation(dh_grad, Ferrite.find_field(dh_grad, :gradient))
cellvalues_grad = Ferrite.CellScalarValues(qr, ip_grad, ip_geo)
for cell in CellIterator(dh_grad)
reinit!(cellvalues_grad, cell)
coords = getcoordinates(cell)
uₑ = @views u_grad[celldofs(cell)]
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues_grad)
x = spatial_coordinate(cellvalues_grad, q_point, coords)
∇uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ = function_value(MatrixValued(), cellvalues_grad, q_point, uₑ)
∇uₐₙₐ = Tensors.gradient(f_ana, x)
@test all(isapprox.(∇uₐₙₐ, ∇uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ;atol=_test_tolerance(ip)))

# Check for correct transfer
@testset "transfer_solution" begin
plotter_grad = FerriteViz.MakiePlotter(dh_grad,u_grad)
data_grad = FerriteViz.transfer_solution(plotter_grad,u_grad; field_name=:gradient, process=x->x)
visible_nodes_grad = .!isnan.(data_grad)
for i 1:size(data_grad, 1)
!visible_nodes_grad[i] && continue
x = Vec{dim,Float64}(plotter_grad.physical_coords[i])
# Transpose because constructed from Vector and not from Tuple :)
∇uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ = transpose(Tensor{2,dim,Float64,2*dim}(data_grad[i,:]))
∇uₐₙₐ = Tensors.gradient(f_ana, x)
@test all(isapprox.(∇uₐₙₐ, ∇uₐₚₚᵣₒₓ; atol=_test_tolerance(ip)))

# TODO add gradient field test for vector valued problems via manufactured solution

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