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Node.js API for NFT collections supporting diverse features

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NFT Collection API 🖼️

JSON API that servers ERC-721 compatible metadata for an NFT collection on the blockchain.

Features 👀

Feature Supported
MIT License
Hide non minted NFTs
Handle none traits
Google Cloud Storage

Dependencies ⚒

npm install

Run 🚀

Development mode

npm start

Production mode commands

npm i -g pm2
pm2 start scripts/start.js
pm2 kill
pm2 list
pm2 restart
pm2 stop [ID]

Auxiliary Scripts 👩‍⚕️

  • npm run shuffle: randomizes the metadata to make the minting process exciting
  • npm run upload_images_update: uploads images to IPFS
  • npm run upload_images_ipfs: uploads images to IPFS
  • npm run upload_images_gcs: uploads images to Google Cloud Storage. Just make sure you have your gcs.json keyfile on the project directory
  • npm run remove_none_traits: removes all traits marked as "none" to make the metadata friendly

Checklist 📝

Make sure you follow all these steps when launching this API:

  1. Upload this project to a linux virtual machine on the cloud (digital ocean, amazon web services etc..)
  2. Replace your contract ABI ./Contract.json
  3. Replace your un revealed image on ./unrevealed/image.png
  4. Set the variables on the top of scripts/start.js, keep the IS_REVEALED variable set to false to start the server with unrevealed mode
  5. Start the server with npm start
  6. Put all your images and metadata on ./images/ and ./metadata/ respectively
  • Consider using FTP or scp, for example: scp -r /path/to/local/destination
  1. run npm run shuffle
  2. run npm run remove_none_traits if needed
  3. Upload your images, choose between CGS or IPFS
  • IPFS
    • Run npm run upload_images_ipfs
  • Google Cloud Services
    • Put your gcs.json keyfile on this project directory
    • Run npm run upload_images_gcs
    • Install the google cloud console and run this to open the files in the browser instead of downloading them by downloading the Google Cloud SDK and running this: gsutil -m setmeta -h "Content-Type: image/png" -h "Content-Disposition: inline;" gs://YOURBUCKETNAME/*. Remember to set YOURBUCKETNAME.
  1. Once you want to reveal the Images and Metadata set the IS_REVEALED to true on scripts/start.js, stop and restart the server


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