Redriver is a tool for moving AWS SQS messages from one queue (DLQ) to invoke(trigger) a lambda function through a SNS topic
Queue name resolution. For ease of use, you only need to provide a queue name and not the full arn address.
Progress indicator.
User friendly info and error messages.
Reliable delivery. Redriver will only delete messages from the source queue after they were enqueued to the destination.
Specifying AWS credentials in either a shared credentials file or environment variables. Creating the Credentials File
If you don’t have a shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials), you can use any text editor to create one in your home directory. Add the following content to your credentials file, replacing <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID> and <YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> with your credentials.
aws_access_key_id = <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
The [default] heading defines credentials for the default profile, which the Redriver will use unless you configure it to use another profile.
Optionally you can configure default region in ~/.aws/config
[default] region=us-east-2
You will need to have Golang installed.
First create a SNS Topic named 'TestTopic'. While configuring the lambda that is to be invoked , add the SNS Topic as one of the trigger .See the picture for better understanding .
git clone
usage: go run sample1.go -s SOURCE -f LAMBDAFUNCTIONNAME
Region will be set default to us-east-2, you can also override it with --region flag