This project contains my personal home configuration files including aliases, git, vim, mc and others.
The software used and configured in this repo are the following:
- vim
- screen
- git
- most
- midnight commander (a.k.a. mc)
- glances
- intellij idea
- less
- tmux
In order to deploy my configuration, simply run:
[0][2019-02-28 09:15:26][0][florentclarret@dana:~/Documents/Dev/Shell/home-configuration] (branch: master)
$ ./install_home_configuration.bash
If you want the aliases and variables to be loaded automatically, add this to your .bashrc (or .profile, or whatever you are using) :
source ~/.aliases/
To create my configuration, I used some already existing configs from other repos :
- completion: Bash-it/bash-it
- tmux configuration: Marthym's blog
- tmux theme: