- Check out this git respository:
git checkout git@github.com:simonkaltenbacher/calendar.git
- Download and install PostgreSQL
- Run the psql-command line:
- Create a database in the psql interactive:
- Create a user with a password for the database:
CREATE USER myusername WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword';
NOTE: Have a look at the entries starting withdb.default.*
The user name and password declared there must match the one you created in the psql interactive.
- Create a database in the psql interactive:
- Run the application with
sbt run
(it will then be running on the standard port 9000).- Open the application in the browser (perferably Google Chrome) with the URL
- Register with user name and password on the login page (does not have to match the one specified for the database).
- You can now log in to the calendar.
- Open the application in the browser (perferably Google Chrome) with the URL
Run sbt test
from the command line to run the tests.
- SBT v. 0.13.0
open source
- easy to use build tool for Scala, Java, and more.
- PostgreSQL
open source
- object-relational database management system.
- Slick v. 2.0.1
open source
- modern database query and access library for Scala.
- Documentation
- ScalaDoc
- GitHub
- Play Framework v. 2.2.2
open source
- scalable, lightweight, stateless, developer-friendly web framework for Java and Scala.
- Documentation
- Scala v. 2.10.3
open source
- modern object-oriented, functional programming language.
- API Documenation
- Akka v. 2.2.4
open source
- toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM.
- Scala documentation
- API documentation
- JQuery v. 2.1.0
open source
- fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- API documentation
- Bootstrap v. 3.1.1
open source
- popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- FullCalendar v2beta
open source
- jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar.
- Documentation
- D3 v. 3.4.6
open source
- JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS.
- Eonastan bootstrap-datetimepicker
open source
- date/time picker widget for Twitter Bootstrap v3.
- selectize.js v. 0.8.5
open source
- jQuery-based hybrid of a textbox and select-box.
- Documentation
- API documentation
- Freie Zeitslots für Termine finden
- Angabe von:
- Beteiligte Personen
- Dauer
- Evtl. Zeitrahmen (Nachmittags/...)
- Ausgabe von Terminvorschlägen, an dem alle teilnehmen können.
- Davon kann man dann einen auswählen.
- Zwischen zwei Terminen einen Zeitslot anzeigen, keine Termine (sodass nicht für jede Minute ein Termin angezeigt wird)
- Angabe von:
- Termin als Vorschlag markieren (reserviert), Termin als fest markieren.
- Kategorie-Tagging (mit Priorität) eines Termins, welcher eine Standardpriorität (wichtig für Konfliktlösung) beinhaltet
(Beispieltags: Uni:3, Arbeit:1, Privat:2,..), mit jeweils verschiedener Standard-Priorität - Möglichkeit des Eintragens kollidierender Termine
- Halbautomatisches Auflösen von Konflikten (kollidierende Termine)
- GUI: Kalendaransicht
- The tables of the ProposalDataAccessService are not created at the moment. Support will be added as soon as the component's implementation is finished.
- There seems to be a bug in slick regarding compound primary keys. Therefore the compound keys are commented out in CalendarDataAccessService.