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jperl edited this page Jul 26, 2012 · 16 revisions


if the Silverlight application changed

  • update version.txt in FoundOps.Server's ClientBin

  • change the build type to [Release/TestRelease]

  • add all files from ClientBin to [opsapplive/opsapptest]\xaps with CloudXplorer

  • set the XAP's ContentType to application/x-silverlight-app

  • set the Cache-control to private; Expires: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 12:00:00 GMT

if the HTML project changed

  • set developer.CURRENT_DATA_SOURCE = developer.DataSource.LIVE

  • run build.bat located in FoundOps\ng\build

  • add main.css and main-built.js (C:\FoundOps\ng\build\main) to [opsapplive/opsapptest]\app

FoundOPS.API and FoundOPS.Server*

  • Update Web.base.[Release/TestRelease].config from the "Deploy Notes" in LastPass

  • change the build type to [Release/TestRelease]

  • FoundOPS.Server: make sure app/img and app/view and app/lib/filereader.swf are included

  • rebuild all then Azure Deploy (make sure Fiddler is off)

*Note: You cannot deploy full intellitrace on the server unless you exclude the RIA services modules.


See Next project update notes

Check if the database has changed since the last deploy.

If the database has changed

  • consult the owner of the changes

  • pull a copy of the latest data and perform a schema compare

  • perform any database changes locally/test

  • snapshot the database schema in the database project

  • backup the live database then perform the migration to the live database after the publish is successful

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