Well, I think read source code of good OS is best way to advance yourself, and like talk about with those authors.
Cause poor level, so read source code is an obstacle to me, but I don't want give up, so I decide to recode this process so that encourage me, finish it.
Hope has a good ending!!
不装逼了... (一边自己研究,一边参考别人,还有,当前underscore版本为: 1.8.3)
- 轮廓和基础
- 我觉得他是个工具,那他就是工具(工具方法
- Collection Functions
- Array Functions
- Function (ahem) Functions
- Object Functions
- 人生价值的自我实现
- es2017语言规范
- 补充医疗保险对我来说太重要了...虽然不怎么生病,但是看病之后真心省钱
2017/11/1 23:29 写完了,暂时这样吧,读一个框架的确可以学到一些东西 read fuck source code