Various shaders for SLZ URP.
- LitMAS+ Opaque
- LitMAS+ Alpha Clip
- LitMAS+ Transparent
- LitMAS+ Fade
- LitMAS Triplanar+ Opaque
- LitMAS Triplanar+ Alpha Clip
- LitMAS Triplanar+ Fade
- LitMAS Triplanar+ Transparent
- Bakery MonoSH Lightmap Support
- Parallax Occlusion Mapping
- Alpha Clip Support
- Multiple MetallicGlossMap format support (MAS, MASK, RMA, ORM)
- Non-Linear Light Probe SH, fixing blue spots on light probes
- Outline Lit
- Outline Unlit
- Create material with Outline shader
- Add a new material slot to your mesh renderer (YOUR MESHRENDERER MUST ONLY HAVE ONE MATERIAL FOR IT TO WORK RIGHT!)
- Put outline material in it
- Adjust outline material settings
- Create material with VertexBlend Shader
- Make sure your mesh has a Vertex Color attribute
- Set the texture fields
- Bryan Bones, for the original shadergraph. They asked I port it to Amplify, and gave me permission to include it here.
- Fractal Opaque
- Fractal Transparent
- Fractal Fade
- Fractal Alpha Clip
- Attempts to hide obvious tiling in textures. Best used on terrain textures like dirt or rocks.
- Coolkidstan, for the ASE port of Zulubo's Fractal UVs
- Zulubo, for the original Fractal UV shader
- Literally just Mod2x but with Parallax mapping