Personal portfolio built with React and other technologies.
Link: Live Website
This portfolio is the product of my evolution as a frontend developer and UX/UI designer.
It is designed to utilize some of the latest technologies and web development best practices. It showcases my current skills in creating responsive, efficient, and fully functional React SPA webpages.
- Original Figma wireframe & mockup
- HTML5, CSS3 (CSS modules to scope locally), JavaScript, JSX
- UI elements created from scratch keeping UX into account
- React / React Router
- React Redux / Redux Toolkit / Redux Persist to save and rehydrate the store (and provide an "Offline First" support)
- Redux Responsive & Custom Media Queries / React Lottie Player
Handling touched statesRefactored form with MUI, Formik & Yup to handle all the validation.- Google Maps API / Portals - Modals handling
- Custom-made maps and styles for each portfolio color (Canary, Ocean, Magenta, Leaf) with corresponding accent colors
- 404 page & non-existent project pages
- Multi-language implementation (i18n)
- Copy text to clipboard implementation
- EmailJS React
- Custom hooks
- Implementation of accessible keyboard shortcuts for navigation
- Search engine optimization (SEO) handling to improve the quantity of website traffic from search engines
- Validating the aspects of a Progressive Web App
- Fully working production build with great performance and best practices
- Making this a Full-Stack project by adding a TypeScript Node server with its own REST API and MongoDB database: Portfolio-api
- Admin page for myself to manage the CRUD operations from my own custom panel, complete with authentication
This project is licensed under the MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Francesco Gruosso.