- Audio: flac, mpa, m4a, cda, mid, mp3, wav, ogg, aiff, aac, wma, au, midi, aif
- Compressed: 7z, lz, pkg, xz, z, rpm, bz2, rar, deb, iso, gz
- Code: css, php, js, html, yml, ipynb, c, json, cpp, rb, h, xml, py, jsp, java, md
- Documents: pptx, txt, pdf, rtf, odt, csv, ppt, docx, doc, tex
- Images: jfif, webp, raw, png, tiff, tif, eps, ico, jpeg, svg, bmp, cr2, jpg, gif
- Programs: jar, com, dll, app, dmg, msi, appimage, apk, exe
- Videos: mpeg, mkv, mpg, 3gp, wmv, avi, webm, vob, m4v, ts, mov, flv, h264, mp4
- Spreadsheets: xls, xlsx
- Archives: tar, zip
- Scripts: pl, rb, php, bash, sh, vbs, pyc, bat, ps1
- Web: xml, scss, css, php, js, less, xhtml, html, htm, jsp, asp, json
- Ebooks: pdf, epub, mobi
- Design: xd, cdr, psd, indd, sketch, ai
- Databases: dbf, accdb, sql, mdb, db, sqlite
- Be cautious when selecting the folder to run this script.
- Running it on the wrong directory could impact your system's functionality.
- This script also operates on hidden folders, so exercise extra care during usage.
- Files with the same name in the destination folder will be automatically overwritten.