A Fraction Calculator (Project Name: FracNut or FracNut_GUI) - Stable Release
Stable Released Version 1.0.0, Release Date: Sept 9, 2023
FracNut is a fraction calculator, that is, to calculate the fractions, such as 1/3 + 1/4 = 7/12.
Therefore, you are able to type fractions (using [a/b] form to represent a fraction a/b) as well as mathematical expressions in the program, and the program will return you a simplified fraction.
For example,
Input[1]: [1/3]+1/4
Output[1]: 7/12
Input[2]: 0.5
Output[2]: 1/2
Input[3]: (3+4)/7
Output[3]: 1
In addition, there are several commands you can use, they are,
decimal() for converting an expression into decimal form (default outputs are fractions);
lastResult() for calling the last calculated result (either fraction result or decimal result);
clipboard() for calling the program built-in clipboard, it is for you to save the calculation result and you can use it later;
copy() for copying the last result into the program built-in clipboard.
Please run the program and use help() for more detailed instructions.
Contact the author: yxk0610@icloud.com.
Last Runtime Test: 00:32:33, Sept 10, 2023