AllohubPy is a Python package for the detection and charectarization of allosteric signals using a information theoric approach.
The method captures local conformational changes associated with global motions from molecular dynamics simulations through the use of a Structural Alphabet, which simplifies the complexity of the Cartesian space by reducing the dimensionality down to a string of encoded fragments. These encoded fragments can then be used to compute the Shannon entropy of protein sites and the mutual information between pairs of sites, allowing to build networks of correlated motions.
The folder notebooks contains examples for how to run the package with some sample data.
Note: The user needs to have the GSL library installed. In Ubuntu one can use:
sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev
(Optional) install all the required packages manually:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The package can be installed through pip with:
pip install git+
Alternatively, one can compile the required code by running
python build_ext --inplace
and manually add the package to the PYTHONPATH.
One can also clone the repository and install the release:
git clone
cd AlloHubPy
pip install
Examples on how to run the code can be found in the notebooks folder. All necessary data are provided in the respctive data folders under notebook.
The package comes with premade plotting functions that can be used directly or as a template. All plotting functions are found under allohubpy/plotter/
The TrajProcessor module offers an encoder for the Structural Alphabets 3DI and M32K25. One can choose how many frames to skip as equilibration and the frequency (stride) of the frames to be used.
from Allohubpy import TrajProcessor
enc_3di = TrajProcessor.Encoder3DI("")
# Encoder for M32K25
enc_mk = TrajProcessor.SAEncoder("")
# Trajectory fonformations (frames) were saved every 10 ps. Using *stride = 10*,
only every 10th frame will be encoded, producing a spacing of 100 ps
between structural strings.
# The first 100 frames are skipped, interpreting the first 1 ns as equilibration phase.
## Load repl1 of condition 1
enc_3di.load_trajectory(topology="topo.pdb", mdtraj="mdtraj.xtc", skip=100, stride=10)
enc_mk.load_trajectory(topology="topo.pdb", mdtraj="mdtraj.xtc", skip=100, stride=10)
The SA handler for a SA trajectory can be initialized as follows: block_size is the number of frames that will be used for each mutual information estimation and alphabet is the list of possible tokens (letters) in the selected alphabet. M32K25 and 3DI alphabets are provided by default.
The SA trajectory can be loaded with
Each encoded frame should be one row in a stacked structural sequence alignment.
from Allohubpy import SAtraj
sahandler = SAtraj.SAtraj(block_size=100, alphabet=SAtraj.ALPHABETS["M32K25"])
After loading the data one can compute:
- The fragment probabilities:
- The transition matrix between fragments:
- The Shannon entropy:
Plots may be created using the provided plotting functions.
from Allohubpy.plotter import Allohub_plots
entropy = sahandler.compute_entropy()
Allohub_plots.plot_shannon_entropy_sd(entropy, ylim=(0,4), action="show")
fragment_probs = sahandler.get_probabilities()
Allohub_plots.plot_fragment_probabilities(probability_matrix=fragment_probs, vocabulary=SAtraj.ALPHABETS["M32K25"], action="show")
transition_matrix = sahandler.compute_transitions()
Allohub_plots.plot_transition_probabilities(trans_matrix=transition_matrix, vocabulary=SAtraj.ALPHABETS["M32K25"], action="show")
Finally, the mutual information matrices may be obtained by running:
mi_array = sahandler.compute_mis(max_workers=8)
The computed mutual information matrices are stored in an MI object. One can retrive the matrix:
The eigenvector decomposition is performed by calling:
Mi matrices can also be added together using addition and substraction.
The obtained MI matrices, having eigenvectors and eigenvalues computed, are then passed to the overlap handler, which provides estimates of convergence and subsequently up- and down-regulated fragments.
from Allohubpy import Overlap
overlap = Overlap.Overlap([mi_array1, mi_array2, ....], ev_list=[0,1,2])
# plot overlap
Allohub_plots.plot_overlap(overlap.get_overlap_matrix(), vmax=0.4, action="show")
# compute eigenvector subspace overlap
similarity_matrix = overlap.compute_similarities()
For the up- and down-regulated fragments one needs to provide a mapping of the mi_arrays to the condition they belong. The method will return a dictionary of pandas dataframes for each combination of conditions.
Each dataframe has the following columns: FragmentPairs, log2FoldChange, AdjustedPValues and PValues.
pdown_regulated_fragments = overlap.updown_regulation(traj_mapping=[0,0,0,1,1,1],splitting=True)
t12_updown = updown_regulated_fragments[(0,1)]
Allohub_plots.plot_updownregulation(t12_updown, fold_threshold=2, ylim=10, pvalue_threshold=0.01, action="show")
Graph representations of residue connectivities may be constructed based on their mutual information. A matrix of C[alpha] - C[alpha] distances is used to select neighbour nodes in the local Cartesian neighbourhood. Residue pairs with high MI signal within a specified distance will be selected to build the network.
from Allohubpy import SANetwork
SAgraph = SANetwork.SANetWork(traj_list= mi_array1 + mi_array2 + ..., distance_limit=7)
SAgraph.set_distance_matrix(matrix=distance_matrix, fragment_size=4)
The graph can be extracted with
and analyzed with
or by extracting the shortest path from a set of selected residues.
centrality_df = SAgraph_fbp.compute_centrality()
Allohub_plots.plot_network_centrality(centrality_df, action="show")
site1_fragments = [476, 509]
site2_fragments = [260, 281]
# *subgraph* is a *networkx* object with the nodes and edges of the shortest paths
connecting those residues.
# *shortest_paths* and *shortest_distances* are lists of the shortest paths
and their distances, respectively.
# *z_score* provides an estimate of how statistically coupled the two sites are.
subgraph, shortest_paths, shortest_distances, z_score = SAgraph_fbp.identify_preferential_connections(start_fragments=site1_fragments, end_fragments=site2_fragments)
Allohub_plots.plot_SA_graph(subgraph, site1_fragments, site2_fragments, action="show")
The package also provides base classes to create encodings by using a custom structural alphabet.
from Allohubpy.TrajProcessor import AbsEncoder
class MyEncoder(AbsEncoder):
# Atoms to keep should be the list of atom names that your encoding needs
# from the molecular trajectory
def __init__(self, output_file_name):
super().__init__(atoms_to_keep=["CA", "CB", "N", "C"], output_file_name=output_file_name)
def process_frame(self, frame_dict):
# Process frame is called on every MD frame when one call .encode()
# frame_dict is a dictionary with the following keys:
# "residues" containing the list of residues present
# One key for each atom name in atoms to keep. for example "CA", "CB", etc.
# The function needs to return the encoded string for that frame.
# Under each key there is a list for all the elements under that group,f or example:
# "CA" will have all c alphas and "CB" all c betas.
# If one residue does not contain that atom name, then it will not be present in the array, so len(CA) != len(CB)
# One can use the residues list (Three letter code) to deal with it.
return encoded_string