Enterprise-grade turtle graphics library for abap intended for business-oriented children or bored adults.
The graphics are generated in the svg format.
Import the repository to your system using abapGit.
report turtle_demo_polygons.
bgcolor type string default `#000000`,
polygons type i,
sides type i.
at selection-screen output.
if polygons <> 0 and sides <> 0.
data(turtle) = zcl_turtle=>create(
height = 800
width = 800
title = |Polygons:{ polygons } Sides: { sides }| background_color = bgcolor ).
turtle->goto( x = 400 y = 400 ).
turtle->set_pen( value #(
stroke_color = `#FF00FF`
stroke_width = 2 ) ).
data(current_polygon) = 0.
while current_polygon < polygons.
" draw a regular polygon
data(current_polygon_side) = 0.
data(side_length) = 50.
while current_polygon_side < sides.
turtle->forward( side_length ).
turtle->right( 360 / sides ).
current_polygon_side = current_polygon_side + 1.
" rotate before painting next polygon
turtle->right( 360 / polygons ).
current_polygon = current_polygon + 1.
zcl_turtle_output=>show( turtle ).
You can also save the image using zcl_turtle_output=>download( turtle )
see zcl_turtle_examples
for more
- forward, back
- left,right (rotate by x degrees)
- pen up/down (only considered when moving, not when outputting svg directly)
style (css will be placed in the html document head in within <style></style> tags)
background color
stroke width
stroke color
fill color
Generate svg primitives:
- line
- circle
- polyline
- polygon
- text
Note that this only returns the svg string. Add these shapes to a turtle using turtle->append_svg
Color schemes:
A random color is used for each line. You can use turtle->set_color_scheme( )
to change the colors.
Define an initial state, a number of iterations and a set of replacement rules. These will be applied in each iteration. Finally, the symbols are translated into instructions and executed.
- movement
- rotation
- stack push/pop
See zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind
DATA(turtle) = zcl_turtle=>create( height = 800 width = 600 ).
turtle->goto( x = 200 y = 200 ).
DATA(parameters) = VALUE zcl_turtle_lsystem=>params(
instructions = VALUE #(
( symbol = 'F' kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-forward amount = 10 )
( symbol = '+' kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-right amount = 90 )
( symbol = '-' kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-left amount = 90 ) )
num_iterations = 3
initial_state = `F`
rewrite_rules = VALUE #(
( from = `F` to = `F+F-F-F+F` )
DATA(lsystem) = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>create(
turtle = turtle
parameters = parameters ).
lsystem->execute( ).
lsystem->show( ).
The stack can be used to generate plants or trees:
DATA(turtle) = zcl_turtle=>create( height = 800 width = 600 ).
turtle->goto( x = 300 y = 600 ).
turtle->set_angle( -90 ).
DATA(parameters) = VALUE zcl_turtle_lsystem=>params(
instructions = VALUE #(
( symbol = `F` kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-forward amount = 10 )
( symbol = `+` kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-right amount = 25 )
( symbol = `-` kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-left amount = 25 )
( symbol = `[` kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-stack_push )
( symbol = `]` kind = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>instruction_kind-stack_pop )
num_iterations = 5
initial_state = `F`
rewrite_rules = VALUE #(
( from = `F` to = `F[+F]F[-F][F]` )
DATA(lsystem) = zcl_turtle_lsystem=>create(
turtle = turtle
parameters = parameters ).
lsystem->execute( ).
zcl_turtle_output=>show( turtle ).