Intended to be the regolith alternative to the bridge. generator scripts
regolith install regolith_generators
Place .ts
files directly into your BP/RP and this filter will run each one with Deno. More convenient than making filters for one off scripts.
// BP/blocks/ExampleBlockGenerator.ts
import { createFile } from "jsr:@frederoxdev/regolith-generators"
const blockNames = ["foo", "bar"];
blockNames.forEach(id => {
"format_version": "1.21.0",
"minecraft:block": {
"description": {
"identifier": `studio_name:${id}`,
"components": {
// do whatever ...
}, `BP/blocks/${id}.json`)
// ^ Must pass in a file name here since generating multiple
// RP/textures/item_texture.ts
import { createFile } from "jsr:@frederoxdev/regolith-generators"
import { join, extname, basename } from "jsr:@std/path";
import { walkSync } from "jsr:@std/fs";
const projectNamespace = "foo";
const studioBase = `bar/baz`;
const texturesFolder = join(Deno.cwd(), "RP", "textures", studioBase, "items");
const textureData: Record<string, unknown> = {};
for (const entry of walkSync(texturesFolder, { exts: [".png"], includeFiles: true })) {
const textureName = basename(entry.path, extname(entry.path));
const relativePath = entry.path.replaceAll("\\", "/").split("/RP/")[1];
const noExtensionPath = relativePath.replace(extname(relativePath), "");
textureData[`${projectNamespace}:${textureName}`] = {
"textures": noExtensionPath
resource_pack_name: "",
texture_name: 'atlas.items',
texture_data: textureData,
// ^ No file path has to be provided for one off files