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Name: Assembly ToggleGrounded
MenuLocation: Assembly , Toggle grounded
Workbenches: Assembly_Workbench
Shortcut: **G**
Version: 1.0
The Assembly ToggleGrounded tool fixes the position and orientation of a shape in relation to the coordinate system of the Assembly it belongs to.
- Select one or more parts.
- There are several ways to invoke the tool:
- Press the Toggle grounded button.
- Select the Assembly → Toggle grounded option from the menu.
- Use the keyboard shortcut: G.
- A GroundedJoint is added for each selected part.
- A grounded joint will display a red lock icon in the 3D view, around the center of mass of the grounded component. To hide the lock, toggle the joint's Visibility to off.
See also: Property editor.
A GroundedJoint object is derived from an App FeaturePython object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
Object To Ground|Link: The object to ground.
Placement|Placement: This is where the part is grounded. See Placement.
⏵ documentation index > Assembly > Assembly ToggleGrounded