Name: Std Import
MenuLocation: File , Import...
Workbenches: All
Shortcut: **Ctrl**+**Shift**+**I**
SeeAlso: Std_Open, Import_Export, Import_Export_Preferences
The Std Import command imports geometry from a different file format into the active document. Many file formats are supported and for some formats multiple import options exist. See Import Export for more information.
: If an image format is selected the command will create an Image Plane.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Optionally select the correct file format in the dialog box.
- Select a file.
- Press the Open button.
- Press Esc or the Cancel button to abort the command.
- To convert an imported mesh object into a solid see the Import from STL or OBJ tutorial.
- To import into a new document you can use the Std Open command.
- Some workbenches have additional import commands. See Import Export.
An Image Plane is a planar representation of an image in the 3D view. It can for example be used when creating a model based on photographs of an existing object.
By default an Image Plane is placed on the global XY plane. The initial size of an Image Plane is calculated using a 96px/inch resolution.
To edit an Image Plane do one of the following:
- Double-click the Image Plane in the Tree view.
- Right-click the Image Plane in the Tree view and select Change image... from the context menu.
If the Image Plane is not plane-parallel to the XY, XZ or YZ plane of the global coordinate system, it is realigned to be plane-parallel to the XY plane.
The Image plane settings task panel opens.
Optionally select the XY-Plane, XZ-Plane or YZ-Plane of the global coordinate system.
Check Reverse direction to rotate the Image Plane 180°. The rotation axis depends on the selected plane. For the XY plane it is the global X axis. For the XZ and YZ plane it is the global Z axis.
The Offset, X distance and Y distance are relative to the coordinate system of the Image Plane. A small negative offset can be useful when tracing the image with a sketch or Draft geometry.
Optionally change the Transparency.
Image sizeoptions:
- Scale by numerical input:
- Optionally uncheck Keep aspect ratio for unequal scaling.
- Enter a Width and/or Height.
- Scale by picking points:
- Press the Calibrate button.
- Pick two points inside the image.
- A dimension line is displayed.
- Enter the desired dimension.
- Press Enter or the Apply button.
- Scale by numerical input:
Press the OK button to confirm the changes and close the task panel.
See also: Property editor.
An Image Plane object is derived from an App GeoFeature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
{{TitleProperty|Image Plane}}
Image File|FileIncluded: The image file used for the Image Plane. This file is stored in the .FCStd file.
XSize|Length: The width of the Image Plane.
YSize|Length: The height of the Image Plane.
{{TitleProperty|Object Style}}
- Lighting|Enumeration: How the Image Plane is illuminated in the 3D view. Can be {{value|Two side}} or {{value|One side}}.
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