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Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character while scanning an alias at line 6 column 14
   Name: Draft Ellipse
   Name/ru: Draft Ellipse
   MenuLocation: Черчение -> Эллипс
   Workbenches: Draft_Workbench/ru, Arch_Workbench/ru
   Shortcut: **E** **L**
   SeeAlso: Draft Circle/ru

Draft Ellipse/ru


Инструмент Ellipse создает эллипс в текущей work plane, введя две точки, определяя угол прямоугольного прямоугольника, в котором будет располагаться эллипс. Он берет linewidth and color, предварительно установленный на вкладке «Задачи».

A Draft Ellipse can be turned into an elliptical arc by setting its First Angle and Last Angle properties to different values.


See also: Draft Tray, Draft Snap and Draft Constrain.


  1. Нажмите кнопку [[Draft Ellipse]] или нажмите клавиши {{KEY | C}}, затем {{KEY | I}}
  2. Щелкните первую точку на трехмерном изображении или введите coordinate
  3. Нажмите вторую точку на трехмерном представлении или введите coordinate.


The single character keyboard shortcuts available in the task panel can be changed. See Draft Preferences. The shortcuts mentioned here are the default shortcuts (for version 1.0).

  • To manually enter coordinates enter the X, Y and Z component, and press Enter after each. Or you can press the Enter point button when you have the desired values. It is advisable to move the pointer out of the 3D view before entering coordinates.
  • Press R or click the Relative checkbox to toggle relative mode. If relative mode is on, the coordinates of the second point are relative to the first point, else they are relative to the coordinate system origin.
  • Press G or click the Global checkbox to toggle global mode. If global mode is on, coordinates are relative to the global coordinate system, else they are relative to the working plane coordinate system.
  • Press F or click the Filled checkbox to toggle filled mode. If filled mode is on, the created ellipse will have Make Face set to True and will have a filled face.
  • Press N or click the Continue checkbox to toggle continue mode. If continue mode is on, the command will restart after finishing, allowing you to continue creating ellipses.
  • Press S to switch Draft snapping on or off.
  • Press Esc or the Close button to abort the command.


  • A Draft Ellipse can be edited with the Draft Edit command.


See also: Preferences Editor and Draft Preferences.

  • If the Edit → Preferences... → Draft → General → Create Part primitives if possible option is checked, the command will create a Part Ellipse instead of a Draft Ellipse.


See also: Property editor.

A Draft Ellipse object is derived from a Part Part2DObject and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



  • Area|Area: (read-only) specifies the area of the face of the ellipse. The value will be {{value|0.0}} if Make Face if False or the face cannot be created.

  • First Angle|Angle: specifies the angle of the first point of the ellipse, normally {{value|0°}}.

  • Last Angle|Angle: specifies the angle of the last point of the ellipse, normally {{value|0°}}.

  • Major Radius|Length: specifies the major radius of the ellipse.

  • Make Face|Bool: specifies if the ellipse makes a face or not. If it is True a face is created, otherwise only the perimeter is considered part of the object. This property only works if the shape is a full ellipse.

  • Minor Radius|Length: specifies the minor radius of the ellipse.



  • Pattern|Enumeration: specifies the Draft Pattern with which to fill the face of the ellipse. This property only works if Make Face is True and if Display Mode is {{value|Flat Lines}}.

  • Pattern Size|Float: specifies the size of the Draft Pattern.


See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To create a Draft Ellipse use the make_ellipse method ((v0.19) ) of the Draft module. This method replaces the deprecated makeEllipse method.

ellipse = make_ellipse(majradius, minradius, placement=None, face=True, support=None)
  • Creates an ellipse object with given major (majradius) and minor (minradius) radius in millimeters.
    • The bigger value will be used for the major radius (X axis) if no other placement is given.
  • If placement is None the ellipse is created at the origin.
  • If face is True, the ellipse will make a face, that is, it will appear filled.


import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

ellipse1 = Draft.make_ellipse(3000, 200)
ellipse2 = Draft.make_ellipse(700, 1000)

zaxis = App.Vector(0, 0, 1)
p3 = App.Vector(1000, 1000, 0)
place3 = App.Placement(p3, App.Rotation(zaxis, 90))

ellipse3 = Draft.make_ellipse(700, 1000, placement=place3)


documentation index > Draft > Draft Ellipse/ru