Invite Link:
[1] Use precise and meaningful commit message that tell the others what was changed.
[2] Respect the folder structure.
- /data/ .............. (the extracted data from the kaggle competition. in .gitignore)
- /models/ ............ (stored models)
- /src/ ............... (put iphython notebooks here)
The /data/
folder is in the .gitignore
meaning that nothing it is pushed to the remote repository.
After cloning the repository, download and extract the source data from into the /data/
To start you will need virtualenv, to bootstrap our environment. It's a more flexible way of managing environments as opposed to anaconda.
Do this one time: Run the following commands
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 .lab05
source .lab05/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then start jupyter (jupyter notebook
) and check, whether everything works by running all cells in the AssertInstallation.ipynb
Do this everytime.
source .lab05/bin/activate
Do this everytime you use pip install
within the environment to install a new package.
It saves all required packages into the requirements.txt
file, which you should push to the remote repository then.
pip freeze > requirements.txt