docker-compose for jira + mysql + https + letsencrypt-auto-renewal
With this project you can easily run jira-software inside one docker-compose including https and a mysql database
It is based on the docker image atlassian-jira-software:7.13.0 from cptactionhank jwilder/nginx-proxy and mysql:5 which can be changed easily by editing the docker-compose.yaml
- Docker needs to be installed
- Docker-Compose needs to be installed
Set env variables
export JIRA_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret export JIRA_MYSQL_DATABASE=jiradb export JIRA_MYSQL_USER=jiradbuser export JIRA_MYSQL_PASSWORD=12345 export export
Change dbconfig.xml
Replace JIRA_MYSQL_USER and JIRA_MYSQL_PASSWORD with the correct username and password (same as env variables)
Variant A: Start it without importing data from another system
docker-compose up
Variant B: Start it with importing data from another jira instance
export data from your old jira instance Something like ...
- mysql: mysqldump -u jiradbuser -p --opt --single-transaction jiradb > "/home/server/jira-backup-sql.sql"
- data: tar -zcf /home/server/jira-back-var-application-data.tar.gz /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/data &>/dev/null
start the mysql container only and import data there:
- docker-compose up mysql
- docker cp ./jira-backup-sql.sql mysql:/
- docker exec -it mysql bash
- mysql -u root -p jiradb < /jira-backup-sql.sql. # replace jiradb with the name of the jira databasename
then you start jira and import data there
- docker-compose up jira
- docker cp jira:/
- docker exec -it jira bash
- unzip / -d /var/atlassian/jira/
then you need to reconfigure some settings like look and feel and plugins as they were not exported (the data for the plugins were stored in the mysql export before so they are not lost)
- install add-ons "Tempo"
- configure look and feel again
If you need more information feel free to contact us