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3.0.0 - Improve usability in general (make all options accessible to the final user)

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@RicardoGomesRocha RicardoGomesRocha released this 13 Apr 16:00
· 1 commit to master since this release

Work summary

In summary, this release aimed to provide the same configuration options already available via API to the final user. To do that was created a menu that users can interact intuitively as cab be seen in the following image:


Moreover, a matrix panel was created to visualize and configure metrics calculations such as accuracy, precision, and f1score:


Finally, general visual improvements were made to issue user-friendly compliance. This includes not only library visual enhancements but also website organizational and visual enhancements.

Issues developed/solved:

List of enhancements:

  • #7: Add more zoomIn and zoomOut range values;
  • #8: Add change history feature (with undo and redo);
  • #12: Add support to add and remove lines and columns;
  • #17: Transpose matrix feature on tools menu;
  • #18: Allow users to choose which metrics to show;
  • #19: Possibility to change the order of lines/columns;
  • #20: Save confusion matrix as json;
  • #22: Should import data from json file;
  • #24: Add configurations menu to statistics component;
  • #25: Add metrics panel;
  • #26: Add freely draggable feature to metrics panel;
  • #27: Change intensity colors;
  • #28: Add normalize option to tools menu;

List of bugs solved:

  • #10: Editing title will result the tools button became visible;
  • #11: After editing a confusion-matrix label, an error is being throw to the console;
  • #30: On edition mode, the label's text goes outside available space;
  • #31: The intensity bar is being initialized visually wrongly.