The repository is for all people who are working with PULP hardware and Himax cameras, and need an easy way to visualize and record their video streams. The basic c and python scripts started as a part of the FrontNetPorting project, but then they were transformed into a ROS masterpiece by Jerome Guzzi.
By using the ROS launch file, you activate a pipeline that includes streaming from the Himax, preprocessing (e.g cropping, downsampling), publishing the ROS messages and visualizing with rqt. Parameters of this pipeline can be adjusted through the Himax.launch file, and include:
- Cropping coordinates
- Downsampling factor
- Format (QVGA, QQVGA, binned)
- Setting Pulp type - Gapuino or Shield
- Himax target luminance
The project has the following directory structure. Change it at your own risk.
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── launch
│ └── himax.launch
├── package.xml
├── pulp
│ └── camera_to_fifo
| ├── build
| ├── Gap8.h
│ ├── ImgIO.c
│ ├── ImgIO.h
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── test1.c
│ ├── test.c
│ └── test.txt
├── script
│ ├── himax.bash
│ ├──
│ ├──
This code runs on Ubuntou 16.04 and 18.04. If it happens to run on any other OS, consider it a miracle. The following dependencies are needed:
- ROS kinetic - or newer versions (works with ROS Melodic too).
- PULP-sdk -
This can be installed as a ROS package. If you don't have a workspace, create an new folder - e.g. himax_ws. Inside it create another folder calles 'src'. when you are inside the himax_ws folder, run the command
catkin init
using catkin tools. Clone this repository to the 'src' folder. Change the folder name to himax, because this is the package name, but it's a stupid name for a repo. then run
catkin build
Don't forget to
source devel/setup.bash
First you need to create a pipe inside the pulp folder, like this
mkfifo /tmp/image_pipe
The name is important, because the scripts search for this names pipe.
Remember to source the pulp-sdk paths:
source your-folder-structure/pulp-sdk/configs/
source your-folder-structure/pulp-sdk/configs/
To compile the camera_to_fifo code, go to pulp/camera_to_fifo and execute
make clean conf all
To run it execute
plpbridge --chip=gap --cable=ftdi --binary=build/gap/test/test load ioloop reqloop start wait
To activate the who pipeline, launch the ROS publisher from the himax_ws folder
roslaunch himax himax.launch
To record the video, just run
rosbag record /image_raw
Want to contribute? Great! Send me six-packs of diet coke.