This repository contains the FunKey Project documentation project.
The "source" branch contains the source documents; they are processed by MkDocs to generate the resulting static site in the "master" branch that is accessible through Github Pages at
In order to build le documentation locally, you need to have a Python 3.x installed on your machine.
You will need to isntall the mkdocs-material package and some required plugins using the following command
pip install mkdocs-material mkdocs-minify-plugin mkdocs-section-index mkdocs-exclude mkdocs-redirects
On Unix machines, you will probably need to install it as root user, using:
sudo pip install mkdocs-material mkdocs-minify-plugin mkdocs-section-index mkdocs-exclude mkdocs-redirects
You can launch a local test server that will track all source file changes and generate a static site on the fly using the following command:
mkdocs serve
The test server is then accessible at: