The figure 1 shows Payroll System which you should develop as your final project assignment.
Class Vehicle is now a superclass of classes Car and Motorcycle. Class PartTime is now a superclass of CommissionBasedPartTime and FixedBasedPartTime.
The code to be produced
You are supposed to write your program according to the given diagram. You should take the following into account:
- Methods and Properties shown in the diagram MUST remain exactly as they are.
- You are free to add new methods (polymorphic or not) and/or properties to ANY class(es)
- You must create an interface (IPrintable) containing one single method: 3.1. void printMyData()
- Every class MUST adopt the IPrintable interface and return a printable version of their properties
- You must add properties and/or methods to the Classes Car and Motorcycle (at least 2 properties per class).
- You MUST use “Set” and/or “Get” to expose ONLY what needs to be exposed by each class (hint: all properties MUST be private and accessed only via Getter and Setter methods.
- You must consider that classes Employee, Vehicle and PartTime are ABSTRACT classes
- In order to test the output, you must create at least 2 objects of each non abstract class
- You are free to design how your system will print each object’s data if every single data is printed out.
- Sehmus Gokce, C0807605
- Omairys Uzcategui, C0807503
- Tatiana Ozerskaya, C0805867