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Mod Panel - Cata Project #224

CodeLaws opened this issue May 4, 2023 · 9 comments

Mod Panel - Cata Project #224

CodeLaws opened this issue May 4, 2023 · 9 comments


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CodeLaws commented May 4, 2023

Hey, after adding module and setup something we got this error

ERROR - 2023-05-04 02:21:41 --> Query error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE  = 0 AND closedBy = 0' at line 1 - Invalid query: SELECT id AS id,playerGuid AS playerGuid,note AS description,createTime AS createTime,comment AS comment,closedBy AS closedBy FROM  WHERE  = 0 AND closedBy = 0

Our Emulator Code


defined('BASEPATH') or die('Silence is golden.');

 * @package FusionCMS
 * @version 6.x

 * Abstraction layer for supporting different emulators
class Trinity_cata_rbac_soap implements Emulator
    protected $config;

     * Whether or not this emulator supports remote console
    protected $hasConsole = true;

     * Whether or not this emulator supports character stats
    protected $hasStats = true;

     * Console object
    protected $console;

     * Encryption
    protected $encryption = 'SRP6';
    protected $battlenet = true;

     * Array of expansion ids and their corresponding names
    protected $expansions = array(
        3 => "Cataclysm",
        2 => "WotLK",
        1 => 'TBC',
        0 => 'None'

     * Array of table names
    protected $tables = array(
        'account'            => 'account',
        'account_access'     => 'account_access',
        'account_banned'     => 'account_banned',
        'ip_banned'          => 'ip_banned',
        'battlenet_accounts' => 'battlenet_accounts',
        'characters'         => 'characters',
        'item_template'      => 'item_template',
        'character_stats'    => 'character_stats',
        'guild_member'       => 'guild_member',
        'guild'              => 'guild',
        'gm_ticket'          => 'gm_tickets'

     * Array of column names
    protected $columns = array(

        'account' => array(
            'id'         => 'id',
            'username'   => 'username',
            'password'   => 'sha_pass_hash',
            'email'      => 'email',
            'joindate'   => 'joindate',
            'last_ip'    => 'last_ip',
            'last_login' => 'last_login',
            'expansion'  => 'expansion'

        'account_access' => array(
            'id'      => 'AccountId',
            'gmlevel' => 'SecurityLevel'

        'account_banned' => array(
            'id'        => 'id',
            'banreason' => 'banreason',
            'active'    => 'active',
            'bandate'   => 'bandate',
            'unbandate' => 'unbandate',
            'bannedby'  => 'bannedby'

        'battlenet_accounts' => array(
            'id' => 'id',
            'email' => 'email',
            'sha_pass_hash' => 'sha_pass_hash',
            'joindate' => 'joindate',
            'last_ip' => 'last_ip',
            'last_login' => 'last_login'

        'ip_banned' => array(
            'ip'        => 'ip',
            'bandate'   => 'bandate',
            'unbandate' => 'unbandate',
            'bannedby'  => 'bannedby',
            'banreason' => 'banreason',

        'characters' => array(
            'guid'             => 'guid',
            'account'          => 'account',
            'name'             => 'name',
            'race'             => 'race',
            'class'            => 'class',
            'gender'           => 'gender',
            'level'            => 'level',
            'zone'             => 'zone',
            'online'           => 'online',
            'money'            => 'money',
            'totalKills'       => 'totalKills',
            'arenaPoints'      => 'arenaPoints',
            'totalHonorPoints' => 'totalHonorPoints',
            'position_x'       => 'position_x',
            'position_y'       => 'position_y',
            'position_z'       => 'position_z',
            'orientation'      => 'orientation',
            'map'              => 'map'

        'item_template' => array(
            'entry'         => 'entry',
            'name'          => 'name',
            'Quality'       => 'Quality',
            'InventoryType' => 'InventoryType',
            'RequiredLevel' => 'RequiredLevel',
            'ItemLevel'     => 'ItemLevel',
            'class'         => 'class',
            'subclass'      => 'subclass'

        'character_stats' => array(
            'guid'          => 'guid',
            'maxhealth'     => 'maxhealth',
            'maxpower1'     => 'maxpower1',
            'maxpower2'     => 'maxpower2',
            'maxpower3'     => 'maxpower3',
            'maxpower4'     => 'maxpower4',
            'maxpower5'     => 'maxpower5',
            'strength'      => 'strength',
            'agility'       => 'agility',
            'stamina'       => 'stamina',
            'intellect'     => 'intellect',
            'armor'         => 'armor',
            'blockPct'      => 'blockPct',
            'dodgePct'      => 'dodgePct',
            'parryPct'      => 'parryPct',
            'critPct'       => 'critPct',
            'rangedCritPct' => 'rangedCritPct',
            'spellCritPct'  => 'spellCritPct',
            'attackPower'   => 'attackPower',
            'spellPower'    => 'spellPower',
            'resilience'    => 'resilience'

        'guild' => array(
            'guildid'    => 'guildid',
            'name'       => 'name',
            'leaderguid' => 'leaderguid'

        'guild_member' => array(
            'guildid' => 'guildid',
            'guid'    => 'guid'

        'gm_tickets' => array(
            'id'         => 'id',
            'playerGuid' => 'playerGuid',
            'description'=> 'note',
            'createTime' => 'createTime',
            'comment'  => 'comment',
            'closedBy'   => 'closedBy'

     * Array of queries
    protected $queries = array(
        'get_ip_banned'             => 'SELECT ip, bandate, bannedby, banreason, unbandate FROM ip_banned WHERE ip=? AND unbandate > ?',
        'get_character'             => 'SELECT * FROM characters WHERE guid=?',
        'get_item'                  => 'SELECT entry, Flags, name, Quality, bonding, InventoryType, MaxDurability, armor, RequiredLevel, ItemLevel, class, subclass, dmg_min1, dmg_max1, dmg_type1, holy_res, fire_res, nature_res, frost_res, shadow_res, arcane_res, delay, socketColor_1, socketColor_2, socketColor_3, spellid_1, spellid_2, spellid_3, spellid_4, spellid_5, spelltrigger_1, spelltrigger_2, spelltrigger_3, spelltrigger_4, spelltrigger_5, displayid, stat_type1, stat_value1, stat_type2, stat_value2, stat_type3, stat_value3, stat_type4, stat_value4, stat_type5, stat_value5, stat_type6, stat_value6, stat_type7, stat_value7, stat_type8, stat_value8, stat_type9, stat_value9, stat_type10, stat_value10, stackable FROM item_template WHERE entry=?',
        'get_rank'                  => 'SELECT AccountId id, SecurityLevel gmlevel, RealmID RealmID FROM account_access WHERE AccountId=?',
        'get_banned'                => 'SELECT id id, bandate bandate, bannedby bannedby, banreason banreason, active active FROM account_banned WHERE id=? AND active=1',
        'get_account_id'            => 'SELECT id id, username username, password password, email email, joindate joindate, last_ip last_ip, last_login last_login, expansion expansion FROM account WHERE id = ?',
        'get_account'               => 'SELECT id id, username username, password password, email email, joindate joindate, last_ip last_ip, last_login last_login, expansion expansion FROM account WHERE username = ?',
        'get_charactername_by_guid' => 'SELECT name name FROM characters WHERE guid = ?',
        'find_guilds'               => 'SELECT g.guildid guildid, name, COUNT(g_m.guid) GuildMemberCount, g.leaderguid leaderguid, leaderName FROM guild g, guild_member g_m, characters c WHERE g.leaderguid = c.guid AND g_m.guildid = g.guildid AND LIKE ? GROUP BY g.guildid',
        'get_inventory_item'        => 'SELECT slot slot, item item, itemEntry itemEntry FROM character_inventory, item_instance WHERE character_inventory.item = item_instance.guid AND character_inventory.slot >= 0 AND character_inventory.slot <= 18 AND character_inventory.guid=? AND character_inventory.bag=0',
        'get_guild_members'         => 'SELECT m.guildid guildid, m.guid guid, name, c.race race, c.class class, c.gender gender, c.level level, m.rank member_rank, r.rname rname, r.rights rights FROM guild_member m JOIN guild_rank r ON m.guildid = r.guildid AND m.rank = r.rid JOIN characters c ON c.guid = m.guid WHERE m.guildid = ? ORDER BY r.rights DESC',
        'get_guild'                 => 'SELECT guildid guildid, name guildName, leaderguid leaderguid, motd motd, createdate createdate FROM guild WHERE guildid = ?'

    public function __construct($config)
        $this->config = $config;

        if (!extension_loaded('gmp')) { // make sure it's loaded
            show_error('GMP extension is not enabled.');

     * Get the name of a table
     * @param  String $name
     * @return String
    public function getTable($name)
        if (!isset($this->tables[$name])) {
            return null;
        return $this->tables[$name];

     * Get the name of a column
     * @param  String $table
     * @param  String $name
     * @return String
    public function getColumn($table, $name)
        if (!isset($this->columns[$table][$name])) {
            return null;
        return $this->columns[$table][$name];

     * Get a set of all columns
     * @param  String $name
     * @return String
    public function getAllColumns($table)
        if (!isset($this->columns[$table])) {
            return null;
        return $this->columns[$table];

     * Get a pre-defined query
     * @param  String $name
     * @return String
    public function getQuery($name)
        if (!isset($this->queries[$name])) {
            return null;
        return $this->queries[$name];

     * Expansion getter
     * @return Array
    public function getExpansions()
        return $this->expansions;

     * Get the name of an expansion by the id
     * @param  Int $id
     * @return String
    public function getExpansionName($id)
        if (!isset($this->expansions[$id])) {
            return null;
        return $this->expansions[$id];

     * Get the name of an expansion by the name
     * @param  String $name
     * @return Int
    public function getExpansionId($name)
        return array_search($name, $this->expansions) ?: null;

     * Whether or not console actions are enabled for this emulator
     * @return Boolean
    public function hasConsole()
        return $this->hasConsole;

     * Get encryption for this emulator
     * @return String
    public function encryption()
        return $this->encryption;

     * Whether or not emulator uses battlenet accounts
     * @return Boolean
    public function battlenet()
        return $this->battlenet;

     * Whether or not character stats are logged in the database
     * @return Boolean
    public function hasStats()
        return $this->hasStats;

     * Password encryption
    public function encrypt($username, $password, $salt = null)
        static::forge(); // once only

        is_string($username) || $username = '';
        is_string($password) || $password = '';
        is_string($salt) || $salt = $this->salt($username);

        // algorithm constants
        $g = gmp_init(7);
        $N = gmp_init('894B645E89E1535BBDAD5B8B290650530801B18EBFBF5E8FAB3C82872A3E9BB7', 16);

        // calculate first then calculate the second hash; at last convert to integer (little-endian)
        $h = gmp_import(sha1($salt . sha1(strtoupper($username . ':' . $password), true), true), 1, GMP_LSW_FIRST);

        // convert back to byte array, within a 32 pad; remember zeros go on the end in little-endian
        $verifier = str_pad(gmp_export(gmp_powm($g, $h, $N), 1, GMP_LSW_FIRST), 32, chr(0), STR_PAD_RIGHT);

        return array(
            "salt" => $salt,
            "sha_pass_hash" => $verifier

    * Password encryption for battlenet
    public function encrypt2($email, $password)
        if (!is_string($email)) {
            $email = "";
        if (!is_string($password)) {
            $password = "";
        $sha_pass_hash = strtoupper(bin2hex(strrev(hex2bin(strtoupper(hash("sha256", strtoupper(hash("sha256", strtoupper($email)) . ":" . strtoupper($password))))))));

        return $sha_pass_hash;

     * Fetches salt for the user or generates a new salt one and
     * set it for them automatically if there is none.
     * @param  string $username [description]
     * @return string           [description]
    //public function salt($username)
    //    static $salt;
    //    if (
    //        $saltUser = \CI::$APP->external_account_model->getConnection()->query(sprintf(
    //            'SELECT TRIM("\0" FROM %s) FROM %s WHERE username = ?',
    //            column('account', 'salt'),
    //            table('account')
    //        ), [$username])->row_array()
    //    ) {
    //        $salt = $salt ?: current($saltUser); // get the stored salt
    //        if ($salt) { // if it exists
    //            return $salt;
    //        }
    //    }
    //    $salt = random_bytes(32);
    //    register_shutdown_function(function () use ($salt, $username) {
    //        \CI::$APP->external_account_model->getConnection()->query(sprintf(
    //            'UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE username = ?',
    //            table('account'),
    //            column('account', 'salt')
    //        ), [$salt, $username]);
    //    }); // ..saves the salt for the user before finishing the scripts
    //    return $salt;

     * Send console command
     * @param String $command
    public function sendCommand($command)

     * Send mail via ingame mail to a specific character
     * @param String $character
     * @param String $subject
     * @param String $body
    public function sendMail($character, $subject, $body)
        $this->send(".send mail " . $character . " \"" . $subject . "\" \"" . $body . "\"");

     * Send items via ingame mail to a specific character
     * @param String $character
     * @param String $subject
     * @param String $body
     * @param Array $items
    public function sendItems($character, $subject, $body, $items)
        $item_command = array();
        $mail_id = 0;
        $item_count = 0;
        $item_stacks = array();

        foreach ($items as $i) {
            // Check if item has been added
            if (!isset($item_stacks[$i['id']])) {
                // Load the item row
                $item_row = \CI::$APP->realms->getRealm($this->config['id'])->getWorld()->getItem($i['id']);

                // Add the item to the stacks array
                $item_stacks[$i['id']] = array(
                    'id'        => $i['id'],
                    'count'     => array(1),
                    'stack_id'  => 0,
                    'max_count' => $item_row['stackable'],


            // If stack is full
            if ($item_stacks[$i['id']]['max_count'] == $item_stacks[$i['id']]['count'][$item_stacks[$i['id']]['stack_id']]) {
                // Create a new stack
                $item_stacks[$i['id']]['count'][$item_stacks[$i['id']]['stack_id']] = 0;

            // Add one to the currently active stack

        // Loop through all items
        foreach ($item_stacks as $item) {
            foreach ($item['count'] as $count) {
                // Limit to 8 items per mail
                if ($item_count > 8) {
                    // Reset item count
                    $item_count = 0;

                    // Queue a new mail

                // Increase the item count

                if (!isset($item_command[$mail_id])) {
                    $item_command[$mail_id] = '';

                // Append the command
                $item_command[$mail_id] .= ' ' . $item['id'] . ':' . $count;

        // Send all the queued mails
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $mail_id; $i++) {
            // .send item
            $this->send("send items " . $character . " \"" . $subject . "\" \"" . $body . "\"" . $item_command[$i]);

     * Send a console command
     * @param  String $command
     * @return Array
    public function send($command)
        $client = new SoapClient(null, array(
            'location' => 'http://' . $this->config['hostname'] . ':' . $this->config['console_port'],
            'uri'      => 'urn:TC',
            'login'    => $this->config['console_username'],
            'password' => $this->config['console_password'],
        )); // ..opens a new socket to the server using the initial configs

        try {
            $client->executeCommand(new SoapParam($command, 'command'));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            die('Something went wrong! An administrator has been noticed and will send your order as soon as possible.<br/><br/>
                <b>Error:</b> <br/>' . $e->getMessage()); // @note this isn't dev friendly and make impossible to catch errors

     * Forges and patches everything that this emulator needs
     * in order to work properly.
     * @return [type] [description]
    private static function forge()
        if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'cache/data/srp6_account_model.cache')) {
        } // already applied everything

            'ALTER TABLE %s MODIFY %s binary(32) NULL',
            column('account', 'salt')
        )); // let the salt temporary be empty

        if (!strpos($temp = file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'third_party/MX/Controller.php'), 'sha_pass_hash')) {
            $temp = preg_replace('~^((\s+).+cookie\([\'"]fcms_password[\'"]\).+)~m', "$1

$2if($password && column('account', 'password') == 'sha_pass_hash') // emulator uses srp6 encryption
$2    \$password = urldecode(preg_replace('%.(?:fcms_password=([^;]+))?%', '\\$1', @\$_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']));", $temp);

            @file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'third_party/MX/Controller.php', $temp);

        file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'cache/data/srp6_account_model.cache', null);
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Err0r1 commented May 4, 2023

Which core do you use?
The emulator file is not compatible

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CodeLaws commented May 4, 2023

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does other functions works, are you experiencing this in mod panne module, can you post full log ?

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CodeLaws commented May 4, 2023

No, it is just an error with the query builder in the Mod_Panle.php or whatever name it was

With this, items, stats, characters etc all where well working, only mod panel issues atm

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so application / logs is empty ?

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CodeLaws commented May 4, 2023

no, in the top message i posted what is inside it ;) the sql error

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might be this the problem : 'gm_ticket' => 'gm_tickets'
change to 'gm_tickets' => 'gm_ticket'

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CodeLaws commented May 4, 2023

all what is possible have also been tested within some houres, so this is not the case, it is also assigned to new structure
Database Value => FusionGen Internal Value

Database has (gm_ticket) fusiongen uses it as (gm_tickets) array

This will the correct sql statement

SELECT id AS id,playerGuid AS playerGuid,description AS note,createTime AS createTime,comment AS comment,closedBy AS closedBy FROM gm_ticket WHERE completed = 0 AND closedBy = 0

But whatever in fusiongen ticket system is happen, it destroyes the query

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it's opposite
FusionGen Internal Value => Database Value
just look at this: 'gmlevel' => 'SecurityLevel'
this one is also wrong btw
but indeed there might be something else also broken

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