- Install Environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Downloads
Download the models folder from Huggingface.
git clone https://huggingface.co/wangfuyun/Be-Your-Outpainter
- Run the code for basic testing. Single GPU with 20GB memory is required for current code version. Reduce the video length if GPU memory is limited.
bash run.sh
Check the outpainted results from the `results' folder.
Edit the exp.yaml to outpaint your own videos.
exp: # Name of your task
video_path: "data/outpaint_videos/SB_Dog1.mp4" # source video path
prompt: "a cute dog, garden, flowers" # source video prompts for tuning
n_sample_frames: 16 # source video length
width: 256 # source video width
height: 256 # source video height
sample_start_idx: 0 # set to 0 by default. Sampling frames from the beginning of the video
sample_frame_rate: 1 # fps of video
- "a cute dog, garden, flowers" # prompts applied for outpainting.
- "wall"
- "wall"
- ""
- ""
- ""
is_grid: False # set as True to enable prompts_r, prompts_l, prompts_t, prompts_b
video_length: 16 # video length. The same as in the train_data config
width: 256
height: 256
scale_l: 0
scale_r: 0
scale_t: 0.5 # How to expand the video field. For a 512x512 source video. Set scale_l and scale_r to 0.5, and it will generate 512x(512 + 512 * 0.5 + 512 * 0.5) = 512 x 1024 video.
scale_b: 0.5
window_size: 16 # only used in longer video outpainting
stride: 4
repeat_time: 0 # set to 4 enable noise regret
jump_length: 3
num_inference_steps: 50 # inference steps for outpainting
guidance_scale: 7.5
bwd_mask: null # not applied
fwd_mask: null
bwd_flow: null
fwd_flow: null
warp_step: [0,0.5]
warp_time: 3
mask_config: # how to set mask for tuning
mask_l: [0., 0.4]
mask_r: [0., 0.4]
mask_t: [0., 0.4]
mask_b: [0., 0.4]
Please check metric.py.
Important notes:
- The metrics are reported as the average value of the settings with mask ratio 0.25 and mask ratio 0.66. For example, if the PSNR of mask ratio 0.25 is 30 and the PSNR of the mask ratio 0.66 is 20, and then the reported PSNR is (20+30)/2 = 25.
- The VAE might suffer from decoding losses. We replace the known region with the GT for evaluation.
title={Be-Your-Outpainter: Mastering Video Outpainting through Input-Specific Adaptation},
author={Wang, Fu-Yun and Wu, Xiaoshi and Huang, Zhaoyang and Shi, Xiaoyu and Shen, Dazhong and Song, Guanglu and Liu, Yu and Li, Hongsheng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.13745},