This is the meta repository that includes all the packages needed for correct and complete operation of the e-MDB cognitive architecture software.
The architecture, at this moment, is divided into five GitHub repositories:
- e-MDB core components - Core of the cognitive architecture.
- Cognitive nodes implemented by the GII - Reference implementation for the main cognitive nodes.
- Cognitive processes implemented by the GII - Reference implementation for the main cognitive processes.
- Discrete event simulator to be used in experiments - Implementation of a discrete event simulator used in many experiments.
- Experiments designed by the GII - Configuration files for experiments.
You can find information and tutorials about the e-MDB cognitive architecture software in the PILLAR Robots official documentation
To install the software of e-MDB, firstly it's necessary to install the needed dependencies:
- ROS 2 Humble
- Numpy 1.24.3
- Sklearn 1.4.2
- Tensorflow 2.15.0
- Yamlloader 1.3.2
(Other versions could work, but the indicated ones have proven to be functional.)
The next step is to create a ROS workspace and clone this meta repository:
mkdir -p ~/eMDB_ws/src
cd ~/eMDB_ws/src
git clone --recursive
Finally, you have to compile the ROS workspace:
cd ~/eMDB_ws
colcon build --symlink-install