This repository contains the packages that form the core of the software implementation of the e-MDB cognitive architecture developed under the PILLAR Robots project. This includes the base classes for the Execution Nodes, Cognitive Nodes and the Long-Term Memory. Additionally, this repository includes helper modules and dummy node implementations.
This repository is dedicated to store the execution middleware (commander node + execution node) and the long-term memory development. There are three ROS2 packages:
- core: Implementation for the commander node, the execution node, the long-term memory, and the base implementation for all the cognitive nodes.
- core_interfaces: Needed services and messages definitions.
- dummy_nodes: Minimum implementation for each cognitive node. The idea is to have cognitive nodes as barebones as possible to run experiments where we only want to focus on a specific cognitive node variation / algorithm. In these cases, we want to reduce the remaining part of the cognitive architecture to a minimum functional set of elements, to avoid interferences when studying a specific change in a given cognitive node.
You can find information and tutorials about this repository and the others that are part of the e-MDB cognitive architecture software in the PILLAR Robots official documentation.