Assignments for my Udemy course on Kalman Filters.
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Required Packages
Detailed infomation here !
- represent the estimated state as a probability distribution
- Represent the measurements or obervations of the current state (or function of the state) as a probability distribution
- Fuse the two distributions to get a better estimate (Bayes Theorem)
- Prediction process increase the uncertainity with time
- Update/Measurement process decrease the uncertainity
- Kalman Filter allows use to do this numerically and mathematically simply, by making a few assumptions about the probabilty distributions and a few other properties of the dynamic system
First we design 5 matrix below and then we used them in 2 step:
1. Predict new state and state uncertainity
2. Measure and update state and state uncertainity
-> Contains all the states we are interested in or that are need to solve given problem
-> State can be position, speed, acceleration etc.
-> Size of the matrix is n x 1, where n is number of states
-> At the beginning we populate this matrix with some initial conditions
-> Tells us how much uncertain we are about individual states
-> Uncertainty corresponding to states are being filled on to diagonal
-> Uncertainty 0 means that we are 100% sure about given state
-> Size of the matrix is n x n, where n is number of states
-> At the begging we populate this matric with information about how much uncertainty we are about given states
-> Tells us how we can get from current state to next state i.e how to get from xt to xt+1
-> Size of the matrix is n x n, where n is number of states
-> Tells us which measurement correspond to which state
-> Usually consist only 0 or 1, meaning measurement correspond to state = 1 or do not = 0
-> Size of the matrix is m x n, where m is number of measurements and n is number of states
-> Tells us how much uncertain we are about individual measurement
-> Uncertainty corresponding to measurement are being filled on to diagonal
-> Uncertainty 0 means that we are 100% sure about given measurement
-> Size of the matrix is m x m, where m is number of measurements
-> At the begging we populate this matric with information about how much uncertainty we are about measurements
x = Fx
Z = Measurements
y = ZT - Hx
S = HPHT + R
K = PHTS-1
x = x + Ky
P = (I - KH)P (I = Identity matric)
-> Intro to localization and principle of Kalman filter using simple model of car in 1D spacer-> Used to explain prediction of speed based on collected data and new measurement. i.e. The speed cannot change abruptly -> Same problem as in assignment 1, but this time Linear Kalman filter is used to localize car
-> Explains how to setup Kalman filter and what individual matrices are used for -> Goal is to localize car as precise as possible while driving on a street with turns and traffic lights
-> Program will not only recieve measurement but also vector U (user input) -> In this assignment car is approaching intersection and at some point traffic light will change to red
-> Car need to decide if it will make to other side. And based on this prediction needs to decide to stop or continue
-> In first scenario car makes prediction based on current state
-> In second scenario car makes prediction based on current state but also on fact that it is allowed to raise speed for 1 sec