Source of the GPars Documentation Website
2 Feb. 2017 - JNorthr Project GPars Documentation - more rework using asciidoctor markup.
NOTE: index.html is a custom landing page built from scratch and NOT from any asciidoctor source. So please ensure this is always copied over after a full rebuild - which i failed to do this time. Sorry.
This is a rebuild of full set of *.pdf and *.html pieces. These can be found in src/main/webapp and it's sub-folders. There may be a few missing pieces as the copy.gradle script is not quite there yet. Still in progress.
Several sets of changes and improvments are pending. None are critical and relate to performance or size of this distributed website. There are also numerous obsolete pieces to be removed. Eventually, all code samples should be made visible in our documents.
Pls review navigation bar on home page. There are two links to determine the state-of-play for this website.
See the HACKING menu dropdown. Some pages are being worked on to provide an outline of the project structure, gradle scripts, folder placement, etc.
The Todo page has a list of started, not started, proposed topics to include in our documentation.
StaleLinks refer to href links within our documents that point off-site to other internet URLs. Some of them pointed to obsolete, old or removed resources such as codehaus stuff. Some resources now require credentials / joining, etc.