This image contains the necessary configuration and code for running Auditree validations for DevTools-flavored applications.
- Create a new github repository to store your auditree evidence and reports. Important Add a default README with the gitub UI, so that there is a single commit in the repo before running Auditree.
- Initialize the config file:
docker run --rm init > path/to/auditree.template.json
- Edit the generated config to insert the proper repository addresses for both your evidence locker repo and code repo.
- TKTK instructions for actual use coming soon.
- Make required changes
- Push to GitHub and create a PR
- On merging to main, a new docker image will be built, tagged, and pushed to the github container registry.
Each published image will be tagged with:
- The publication date:
- The branch it was created on:
- The short git sha: