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Docker image and supporting scripts and templates for running compliance-trestle

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TTS Dockerized Compliance Trestle

This repository contains the source code for the Docker image and OSCAL models to be used by that image.

Image Use:

General workflow:

  1. Download trestle image and run CLI
  2. Create the files for a given SSPP
  3. Do in a loop:
    1. Edit control statements within markdown files
    2. Assemble markdown contents into a provisional OSCAL SSP
    3. Edit other sections of the SSPP within the smaller json files
    4. Check your progress
  4. Assemble everything into a final OSCAL SSP (TODO: within a CI workflow)
  5. Update non-OSCAL SSP sections
  6. Render a human-readable SSPP (TODO: within a CI workflow)

Pull down the trestle image and initialize a compliance trestle project

Prerequisite: $(pwd)/compliance directory exists and is where you want to store all compliance artifacts

docker pull
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/compliance:/app/docs bash

All other usage commands assume you are operating within the docker container.

Create Control Statement Markdown Files

If you are using a profile that isn't shipped with the image you must import it first

If you are utilizing Component Definitions, you must import and/or create them first.

generate-ssp-markdown -p PROFILE_NAME [-c COMP_DEF_NAMES]

Assemble SSP JSON from Markdown

assemble-ssp-json -n SYSTEM_NAME [-c COMP_DEF_NAMES]

This step will create system-security-plans/SYSTEM_NAME/system-security-plan.json as well as smaller JSON files within system-security-plans/SYSTEM_NAME/system-security-plan/ for editing.

This script should be given the same list of Component Definitions that were passed to generate-ssp-markdown

Check Control Status

The control-status script will output a quick report of all of the Implementation Status lines for your controls. For instance, to report on the status of all controls except those marked as implemented:

control-status -i implemented

Final SSP Assembly

trestle assemble -n SYSTEM_NAME system-security-plan

Update non-OSCAL SSP files.

Edit the files within ssp-markdown to populate data for the rendered SSP that can't yet be pulled from OSCAL.

Hint: Use jinja templates md_clean_include and mdsection_include to populate content from other existing documents your team is using.

Render SSP

Output the SSP as a markdown file within ./ssp-render


You can optionally use pandoc to transform the markdown file into a variety of formats. For example:


docker run --rm --volume "/dir/with/" pandoc/latex -o your-pdf-file-name.pdf


docker run --rm --volume "/dir/with/" pandoc/latex -s -o your-html-file-name.html --metadata title="SSP Title"

Import profile into working space:

If you are using a PROFILE_NAME that does not ship with this docker container then you must first manually import it using:

trestle import -f PROFILE_URL -o PROFILE_NAME

Once that is done you can go back to the generate-ssp-markdown step

Import Component Definition into working space:

To import a component that ships with this docker container: copy-component -n COMPONENT_NAME

To import a component that is available from a URL: copy-component -n COMPONENT_NAME -u COMPONENT_URL

Create Component Definition

create-component -n COMPONENT_NAME

And then edit the created files to contain the component definition.

Split SSP into manageable files

This step is automatically handled by the assemble-ssp-json script as long as that script is run from the trestle root.

split-ssp -n SYSTEM_NAME


The following templates are included in the Docker image:


A profile representing the set of controls covered by a GSA LATO SSPP.


A Component Definition representing the CRM.


A set of testable best practices for running applications on This component integrates with Auditree and c2p to generate compliance results


A copy of the full NIST 800-53 revision 5 catalog.


A resolved catalog of just the NIST 800-53r5 controls that are used by the LATO profile.


Updating templates:

Run the trestle image locally through Docker Compose:

docker compose run cli bash

Utilize compliance-trestle commands within the /app/templates directory to make any changes that are required.

The /app/docs directory can be used as a scratch area for any temporary trestle tests.

Updating the Docker image:

  1. Make required changes to the Dockerfile
  2. Push to GitHub and create a PR
  3. On merging to main, a new docker image will be built, tagged, and pushed to the github container registry.

Each published image will be tagged with:

  1. latest
  2. The publication date: YYYYMMDD
  3. The branch it was created on: main
  4. The short git sha: sha-c9f60e2


Docker image and supporting scripts and templates for running compliance-trestle


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