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Github Actions PyPI version is an open data website created by the U.S. General Services Administration that is based on two robust open source projects: CKAN and WordPress. The data catalog at is powered by CKAN, while the content seen at is powered by WordPress.

For all code, bugs, and feature requests related to, see the project wide issue tracker.

Currently this repository is only used for source version control on the code for the CKAN extension for geospatial data, but you can see all of the relevant repos listed in the GSA README file.

CKAN Extension for Geospatial Data

Most specific CKAN customizations are contained within this extension, but the extension also provides additional geospatial capabilities.


Due to CKAN 2.3 and 2.8 migrations, some features should be removed or moved to the official community versions:


Package Notes
ckanext-harvest --
ckanext-spatial --
PyZ3950 --
werkzeug This only effects the tests. For all intents and purposes, this should be tracking upstream

This extension is compatible with these versions of CKAN.

CKAN version Compatibility
<=2.8 no
2.9 0.1.37 (last supported)
2.10 >=0.2.0


All the tests live in the /ckanext/geodatagov/tests folder. Github actions is configured to run the tests against CKAN 2.10 when you open a pull request.

Using the Docker Dev Environment

Build Environment

To start environment, run: docker compose build docker compose up

CKAN will start at localhost:5000

To shut down environment, run:

docker compose down

To docker exec into the CKAN image, run:

docker compose exec app /bin/bash


They follow the guidelines for testing CKAN extensions.

To run the extension tests, start the containers with make up, then:

$ make test

Lint the code.

$ make lint


We have not determined a good way for most IDE native debugging, however you can use the built in Python pdb debugger. Simply run make debug, which will run docker with an interactive shell. Add import pdb; pdb.set_trace() anywhere you want to start debugging, and if the code is triggered you should see a command prompt waiting in the shell. Use a pdb cheat sheet when starting to learn like this.

When you edit/add/remove code, the server is smart enough to restart. If you are editing logic that is not part of the webserver (ckan command, etc) then you should be able to run the command after edits and get the same debugger prompt.

Matrix builds

The existing development environment assumes a full test setup. This makes it difficult to develop and test against new versions of CKAN (or really any dependency) because everything is tightly coupled and would require us to upgrade everything at once which doesn't really work. A new make target test-new is introduced with a new docker-compose file.

The "new" development environment drops as many dependencies as possible. It is not meant to have feature parity with GSA/ Tests should mock external dependencies where possible.

In order to support multiple versions of CKAN, or even upgrade to new versions of CKAN, we support development and testing through the CKAN_VERSION environment variable.

$ make CKAN_VERSION=2.10 test

Command line interface

The following operations can be run from the command line as described underneath::

  geodatagov sitemap-to-s3 [{upload_to_s3}] [{page_size}] [{max_per_page}]
    - Generates sitemap and uploads to s3

  geodatagov db-solr-sync [{dryrun}] [{cleanup_solr}] [{update_solr}]
    - DB Solr sync. 

  geodatagov tracking-update [{start_date}]
    - ckan tracking update with customized options and output

Credit / Copying

Original work written by the team. It has been modified in support of

As a work of the United States Government, this package is in the public domain within the United States. Additionally, we waive copyright and related rights in the work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication (which can be found at

Ways to Contribute

We're so glad you're thinking about contributing to ckanext-datajson!

Before contributing to ckanext-datajson we encourage you to read our CONTRIBUTING guide, our LICENSE, and our README (you are here), all of which should be in this repository. If you have any questions, you can email the team at