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aflu authored Feb 4, 2022
1 parent e8e8885 commit 8bc2ca9
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Showing 7 changed files with 842 additions and 0 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions Examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import sys
import timeit

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as interp1d

sourcepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

import utilities

def calc_FFT_coeff(nt,gfunc,tlog,lin_gm,nBhe,nt_future,loads,dt):

nsteps_total = loads.size + nt_future
Time = np.linspace(dt,nsteps_total*dt,nsteps_total)

# convert loads
FFT_Loads = []
for i in range(0,nBhe):
gload = np.concatenate([loads,np.zeros(nt_future)])
gload[1:] -= np.roll(gload,1)[1:]


# Temperatures at each borehole
T_borehole = np.ones([nBhe,Time.size])*10
for i in range(0,nBhe):
for j in range(0,nBhe):

# FFT Gfunc
fG = interp1d(tlog,gfunc)
FFT_Gfunc = utilities.FourierSci(fG(Time))

# Calc Tborehole
T_borehole[j,:] -= np.real(utilities.invFourierSci(FFT_Loads[i]*FFT_Gfunc))

return True

def main():

dt = 30
nmax = 250000
stepsize = 7500

steps = np.arange(stepsize,nmax,stepsize)
gfunc = np.random.rand(200)*10
times_arr = np.zeros(steps.size)

for i in range(0,steps.size):
nt = steps[i]

tlog = np.geomspace(dt,3*nt*dt,200)
lin_g = interp1d(tlog,gfunc)
nBhe = 1
loads = np.random.rand(nt)
nt_future = loads.size

times_arr[i] = np.min(timeit.repeat(lambda :calc_FFT_coeff(nt,gfunc,tlog,lin_g,nBhe,nt_future,loads,dt),repeat = 20, number = 1,globals=globals()))/1

popt_l, pcov = curve_fit(utilities.func_lin0,steps, times_arr)

print('m: '+ str(popt_l[0]))

plt.plot(steps,times_arr,label = 'measured',color = 'b')
plt.plot(steps,popt_l[0]*steps,label = 'lin fit', color = 'r')

plt.ylabel('comp time')

# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions Examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import timeit
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import os
import sys

sourcepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

import utilities

def nsec(nt,psi_FFT,psi_sa):
return np.sqrt(psi_sa/psi_FFT*nt-1)

def calc_sa_coeff(T_borehole,loads,gMatrix,i,nSteps_soil,nBhe):
for j in range(0,nBhe):
for k in range(0,nBhe):
T_borehole[k][i:nSteps_soil] -= (loads[j][i]-loads[j][i-1]) * gMatrix[j,k,0:nSteps_soil-i]

def main():

nt = 250000
stepsize = 1000
nBhe = 1
nb = 130000

# random values for testing
T_borehole = np.random.rand(nBhe,nt)
gMatrix = np.random.rand(nBhe,nBhe,nt)
loads = np.random.rand(nBhe,nt)
times_arr = np.zeros(int(nt/stepsize)-1)

for j in range(stepsize,nt,stepsize):
# measure computational times
times_vec = timeit.repeat(lambda: calc_sa_coeff(T_borehole,loads,gMatrix,j,nt,nBhe),repeat =50, number = 10,globals=globals())
times_arr[int(j/stepsize)-1] = np.min(times_vec)/10

times_arr = np.flip(times_arr)
steps = np.arange(stepsize,nt,stepsize)

# curve fitting
# fit nr<nb
popt_l, pcov = curve_fit(utilities.func_lin,steps[steps<nb], times_arr[steps<nb])
m_low = popt_l[0]
n_low = popt_l[1]
print('m_low:, n_low: %d',m_low,n_low)

# fit nr>nb
popt_l, pcov = curve_fit(utilities.func_lin,steps[steps>nb], times_arr[steps>nb])
m_high = popt_l[0]
n_high = popt_l[1]
print('m_high:, n_high %d',m_high,n_high)

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# plot results
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

fig = plt.figure(figsize=utilities.cm2inch(10, 6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.22, top=0.90, left=0.18, right = 0.94)

ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Computation \: time \: [} 10^{-3} \: \mathrm{s]}$')
ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{remaining \: Steps \: [-]}$')

ax1.plot(steps,1000*times_arr,label = r'$\mathrm{measured}$',color = 'k',linewidth = 0.7)

ax1.plot(steps[steps<nb],1000*(steps[steps<nb]*m_low + n_low),label = r'$\mathrm{linear \: fit}$',linestyle = '--',color = 'grey',linewidth = 0.7,marker = 'o',markersize = 4,markevery=2,markerfacecolor='none')
ax1.plot(steps[steps>nb],1000*(steps[steps>nb]*m_high + n_high),linestyle = '--',color = 'grey',linewidth = 0.7,marker = 'o',markersize = 4,markevery=2,markerfacecolor='none')


# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions Examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
from __future__ import division
import os
import sys

sourcepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

import utilities

nb = 130000 # breakpoint calc time sa model
nt = 2109906 # total number of timesteps

# computational time coefficients derived from measurements
psi_FFT = 1.58e-6 # coeff for FFT model
psi_sa_l = 5.8e-10 # coeff for sa model below breakpoint
psi_sa_h = 3.7e-9 # coeff for sa model above breakpoint
c_sa_l = 5.4e-6 # coeff for sa model below breakpoint
c_sa_h = -9.1e-5 # coeff for sa model above breakpoint


160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions Examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import interpolate
import os
import sys
import time as time
from multiprocessing import Pool

sourcepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

import bhe_models
import gfunctions
import utilities
import hybrid_model

def main():

BheData = { 'id' : 'BHE01',
'type' : '2-U',
'length': 100., # [m] length
'diamB': 0.152, # [m] borehole diameter
'lmG': 2.0, # [W/m/K] thermal conductivity grout
'capG': 1000000, # [MJ/m³/K] volumetric heat capacity grout
'lmP': 0.3, # [W/m/K] thermal conductivity pipe
'odiamP': 0.032, # [m] outer diameter pipe
'thickP': 0.0029, # [m] wall thickness pipe
'distP': 0.04, # [m] pipe distance
'densF': 1045, # [kg/m³] density fluid
'dynviscF': 0.0035, # [m] dynamic viscosity fluid
'lmF': 0.43, # [m] thermal conductivity fluid
'capF': 3800000., # [m] volumetric heat capacity fluid
'covH': 1., # [m] cover height
'linkedHP': 'HP01', # [m] linked heat pump
'xCoord' : 30000, # [m] x coordinate
'yCoord' : 40000, # [m] y coordinate
'Qf' : 1.92/3600., # [m³/s] flow rate
'Tundist': 12.0, # [°C] undisturbed ground temperature
'lm' : 2.3, # [W/m/K] thermal conductivity ground
'Cm' : 2300000., # [MJ/m³/K] volumetric heat capacity ground

sim_setup = { 'nz': 5, # bhe cells vertical
'dt_bhe': 30, # bhe time step
'dt_soil': 3600, # soil time step
'nt_part': 24, # soil time steps per period
'n_parts': 1, # number of periods
'error': 0.001,
'type' : 'forward' # euler scheme

#create random Tin and flow rate
M_Tin = np.ones(sim_setup['nt_part']*sim_setup['n_parts'])*50
M_qf = np.ones(sim_setup['nt_part']*sim_setup['n_parts'])*BheData['Qf']

x_pos = np.array([1])
y_pos = np.array([1])
nBhe = x_pos.size

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# calc gfunction and create time array tlog
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

tstart = sim_setup['dt_soil']
tstop = sim_setup['dt_soil']*sim_setup['nt_part']*sim_setup['n_parts']+1
ntgfunc = 200

tlog = np.geomspace(tstart, tstop, ntgfunc)
gfuncs = gfunctions.g_Matrix(x_pos,y_pos,tlog,BheData)

gfunc_data = { 'gfuncs' : gfuncs,
'gtime' : tlog

# gfunc for semi-analytical model
tlin = np.linspace(sim_setup['dt_soil'],sim_setup['dt_soil']*sim_setup['nt_part'],sim_setup['nt_part']) # time array soil
gMatrix = np.zeros([nBhe,nBhe,sim_setup['nt_part']]) # matrix with gfuncs
for i in range(0,nBhe):
for j in range(0,nBhe):
fG = interpolate.interp1d(gfunc_data['gtime'],gfunc_data['gfuncs'][i,j])
gMatrix[i,j,:] = fG(tlin) # gfunc matrix interpolated to linear time grid

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# setup for simulation
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

res_loads = np.zeros([nBhe,sim_setup['nt_part']*sim_setup['n_parts']])
res_Tins = np.zeros([nBhe,sim_setup['nt_part']*sim_setup['n_parts']])
res_Touts = np.zeros([nBhe,sim_setup['nt_part']*sim_setup['n_parts']])

M_Tin = np.array([M_Tin])
M_qf = np.array([M_qf])

T_borehole = np.ones([nBhe,sim_setup['nt_part']])*BheData['Tundist']
T_borehole_ini = np.ones(nBhe)*BheData['Tundist']

BHEs = hybrid_model.init_BHEs(nBhe ,BheData,sim_setup['dt_bhe'],sim_setup['nz'], sim_setup['type'])

# num first part
start = time.time()
res_loads[:,0:sim_setup['nt_part']]) = hybrid_model.calc_sa_sec_U_forw(sim_setup,

for p in range(1,sim_setup['n_parts']):

# analytical firt part
T_borehole = hybrid_model.calc_FFT_sec(gfunc_data['gfuncs'],

T_borehole_ini = [T_borehole[k,p*sim_setup['nt_part']-1] for k in range(0,nBhe)]

# num second part
res_loads[:,p*sim_setup['nt_part']:(p+1)*sim_setup['nt_part']]) = hybrid_model.calc_sa_sec_U_forw(sim_setup,

print('time: ',time.time() - start)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# plot results
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

plt.plot(M_Tin[0],label = 'Tin')
plt.plot(res_Touts[0],label = 'Tout')

# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':

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