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Quick Start Guide for Peak Finding

GabePoel edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

To do the data analysis, there's not actually that much that you need to be aware of. For 99% of the stuff that actually involves data analysis, the functions listed here can just be used as black boxes that hopefully magically produce what they promise they do. I've also detailed the data types that they take and receive to hopefully prevent causing unnecesary headaches.

Object Types

There's really only three object types that actually get used by the analysis tools. I've outlined them all here.

Data Array

This is just a normal 1D array of data points like you're used to. There's nothing really to say about it, but it's included here for completeness.

Region Array

This is a 2 by n array of regions where Lorentzians are supposed to be. Within each row the 0 index item is the start of the region (minimum frequency) and the 1 index is the end of the region (maximum frequency).

Parameter Array

This is a 4 by n array with the parameters for a bunch of Lorentzians. Each row is a different Lorentzian and is sorted like so:

[ amplitude, center frequency, full width at half maximum, phase ]

Note that the definition of Lorentzians I am using is the following.


Where the individual terms are as below.


Useful Functions and Classes

Importing Models

To use the built in machine learning models just import them in the following way.

tight_model = models.tight_lorentzian()
wide_model = models.wide_lorentzian()

You can also use model = models.import_model() to open a file dialog and import a model not included in peak_finder. In general, the wide model misses less Lorentzians. But, it tends to pick up a much wider area around the Lorentzians. The tight model doesn't catch the surrounding area, but it misses slightly more Lorentzians on average. In practice, you probably just need to try both and see what works best for the data you have.

Importing Files

You can of course import a tdms file however you please. But, there's an included way to do it with a file dialog if you want. From there it's easy to snag the frequency data, x, y, or r=sqrt(xz^2 + y^2).

tdms_file = util.import_tdms_file()
f = tdms_file.f
x = tdms_file.x
y = tdms_file.y
r = tdms_file.r

You can also save and load any object you end up creating (such as a 3D parameter array) like so:

# Saving without a file path opens a dialog window.
file_path_of_save =

# Can also save with a file path to not get a dialog window.
file_path_of_save =, some_path)

# To load the object without a dialog window, pass in the file path.
that_same_object = util.load(file_path_of_save)

# Can also load the object without a file path. This opens a dialog window.
that_same_object = util.load()

The file created this way is not necesarily readible by other programs. So, the final exported data should probably not be handled in this way.

Using Models

Any time you want to use the models, you're either going to use the slide_scale or the split_peaks function. Both of these get region arrays from data. But, slide_scale is for getting initial region arrays and split_peaks is to separate peaks apart that are caught in the same region. This is probably easiest to show by example.

from peak_finder import models
from peak_finder import utilities as util
from peak_finder.sliding_window import slide_scale
from peak_finder.sliding_window import split_peaks

wide_model = models.wide_lorentzian()
tdms_file = util.import_file()
r = tdms_file.r

regions = slide_scale(wide_model, r)

This gives a 2D regions array after looking over the data with the wide Lorentzian model. Note that the model doesn't need the frequency data to do its thing. This is because all the data gets sliced up and normalized anyways. If the collected data isn't at even frequency steps, then this would cause a problem. I actually included a tool to deal with this, but I don't want to drag this tutorial out any more than I have to. Anyways, you could technically stop messing with the models here. But, you'll probably have to play with a bunch of optional parameters to get the peaks snagged to your satisfaction. So, let's go over those super fast. A full version of slide_scale's inputs (or at least the one that are supposed to be tweaked) is shown below.


Here's what they are:

  • model: The model you wan't to analyze with. This is usually wither the tight or wide model.
  • v: The data you want to look at (x, y, or r).
  • min_zoom: The most zoomed out your data is when it's shown to the model. Too low and the model reads the background.
  • max_zoom: The most zoomed in your data is when it's shown to the model. Too high and the model reads the noise.
  • overlap: How much the windows show to the model overlap with each other.
  • confidence_tolerance: How confident the model needs to be that a given window has a Lorentzian. I've found that when the model is right, it's very right. So, it's good to leave this high. But, it's worth setting it to 0 if you seem to be missing stuff. And then maybe play with putting it somewhere inbetween as needed. If it's set to 1 then no peaks will be detected.
  • merge_tolerance: The fraction of a window that needs to overlap with another window in order for them to be combined into one region. If left as None then this will automatically be set based on the overlap.
  • compress: If set to False then windows don't combine at all.
  • single_zoom: If set to True then the model only looks at the min_zoom. This is useful for quickly seeing what Lorentzians are at what zoom level.
  • progress: Determines whether or not a progress bar is shown while running.
  • simplify: Uses a script to simplify and compress overlapping regions. Generally it's best to leave this as False until you run the final round with the model. That is, if you split peaks after this then this should stay as False but be set to True when you split them there peaks.

That's everything for slide_scale. Luckily, split_peaks is almost identical, but has somewhat less parameters to play with. Keep in mind that you might not actually need to use split_peaks on many data sets. This is especially true if you use tight model to start with.


As you can see, split_peaks also needs to have frequency data and regions to split apart passed into it. The only new parameter is min_data_points which is used to keep it from looking at any regions that are so small that it could only be measuring noise. I should probably add this feature to slide_scale as well... But...

Data Cleaning

After you're done applying a bunch of models and tweaking the results to your heart's content, it's time to actually extract meaningful parameters from regions. This is actually pretty easy to do. Just run the parameters_from_regions function.

from peak_finder.fit_lorentz import parameters_from_regions

parameters = parameters_from_regions(f, r, regions)

The optional parameters include max_n which sets the maximum number of Lorentzians which could be fitted to in a region. Setting this high could increase the runtime substantially. Also included is catch_degeneracies which defaults to True and determines whether or not to remove duplicate Lorentzians. This sometimes happens if the same region is listed several times. Leaving this on substantially increases the runtime, but is almost always a good idea just in case. You can also do this afterwards with the remove_degeneracies function.

Finally, there's noise_filter which removes any Lorentzians with amplitudes less than the amount specified. This defaults to 0, but it's a good idea to set it. Luckily, I've included an easy way to estimate the noise level.

from peak_finder.sliding_window import extract_noise

noise_level = 3 * extract_noise(v)
parameters = parameters_from_regions(f, r, regions, noise_filter=noise_level)

Live Parameter Editing

At this point, you should have a decent set of parameters without having to manually select Lorentzians at all. But maybe the models made some mistakes. Or maybe you just like grabbing your peaks old school and doing it all by eye. Either way, there's a handy dandy tool to help with that.

from peak_finder.live_fitting import Live_Instance

# By default a Live_Instance is set up only with data and needs to have Lorentzians imported after using a model.
live = Live_Instance(f, r)

# You can then turn on the interface to edit parameters live.

# When you're happy with the Lorentzians shown, you can just extract the parameters from the live instance.

The Live_Instance class keeps track of what the current parameters are as well as the data to work with. The code above shows what you need to do to use and extract parameters from it. To look at the x and y data while working with it, just run live.import_all_data(x, y) and then live.activate(). The live interface is shown below. Not that you should click the "Reset Axes" button if the home button isn't working. There's a slightly sketchy hack going on to make the interface reload properly that causes the home to reset every time new things are plotted.

The interface should be pretty intuitive. But, I'll go over it anyways. The higher curve is the actual data and the lower one is just the fit. I've called the fit the "projection" in the live interface. You can move it up or down by clicking "Raise Projection" and "Lower Projection." You can also look at the separate x and y components after running live.import_all_data(x, y). Just click "Show/Hide Components." The x component is yellow and the y component is green. These can be moved up and down like the projection.

To remove Lorentzians just click the cleverly named "Remove Lorentzians" button. Then you can click and drag an area around the Lorentzians you want to get rid of. Press enter to remove them or escape to un-select an area.

And to add Lorentzians just click "Add Lorentzians" and select an area to add. Unlike "Remove Lorentzians" only one Lorentzian is added at a time. This is because doing otherwise would be a world ending disaster.

A Complete Example

A complete workflow example is shown in the included notebook. This is a good way to visualize everything, but everything also works via command line or however else you want to use the package. The example is run on CeCoIn5/AG2832-II/2_cooldown/20190510_164351_1.875K_1.875K.tdms.

Other Potentially Helpful Things

WiP. Feel free to check the utilities docstrings in the meantime.