Contiki is an open source operating system that runs on tiny low-power microcontrollers and makes it possible to develop applications that make efficient use of the hardware while providing standardized low-power wireless communication for a range of hardware platforms.
Contiki is used in numerous commercial and non-commercial systems, such as city sound monitoring, street lights, networked electrical power meters, industrial monitoring, radiation monitoring, construction site monitoring, alarm systems, remote house monitoring, and so on.
Bonnmotion SWIM:
./bm -f NOMEAQUI SWIM -n 10 -x 100 -y 100 -r 0.1 -m 1 -c 0.5 -e 0.45 -u 4 -d 1000
Bonnmotion Statistics:
./bm Statistics -f NOMEAQUI -r 0.1
ant run
ant run_bigmem