Hey, I'm Gabe
I'm a Software Engineer majoring in Computer Science at Florida International University based in 🏝 Miami. I relish the opportunity to impart my knowledge and offer guidance to those who aspire to delve deeper into the realm of Computer Science and/or aim to become a proficient Software Engineer. I'm currently the Director of Technology and Executive Board at INIT, a non-profit organization that empowers over 7660+ minority members land internships and full-time opportunities in tech. Startup? Happy hacking! ❤️🤙🏻
Languages and Tools:
- Involved with INIT @ FIU to make an impact ❤️
- Finished System Architecture in a Pinch. Take a peek!
- Deepening my knowledge in FullStack Software Engineering
- Currently learning about Systems Engineering and Distributed Systems
🐶 “Dogs teach us a very important lesson in life: The mail man is not to be trusted.” 📬