Symfony Docker starter is an up-to-date Symfony project (4.4 version) with a whole Docker stack, using a CI (Gitlab-CI here) and so on, according to best practices on a set of components listed below.
You can take this repository and replace the Symfony project in it, with your, to take advantage of the Docker stack. Remember to keep the Symfony Makefile.
- Docker Compose 1.26
- NGINX 1.17
- PHP-FPM 7.4
- MariaDB 10.5
- Adminer 4.7
- MailCatcher 0.7.1
- Node Current
- Yarn 1.22
- Composer 1.10
- Xdebug 2.9
Take a look on app/symfony/composer.json
and app/symfony/package.json
$ make install
You can edit the new docker-compose.override.yml
and app/symfony/.env.local
with your own configuration for DB,
Docker ports and PHPStorm configuration.
Keep in mind that you can use both Makefiles, especially the one specific to Symfony directory
make symfony:"rule"
and independent from Docker. If Composer stops due to memory, launch it separately or increase the size of your containers.
Go on: http://localhost:8080/ (or another port specified in your ./docker-compose.override.yml
- Wanna use something ?
$ make # Self documented Makefile
$ make stop # Stop Docker containers
## Samples calling Symfony Makefile and bin/console from root folder
$ make symfony:update # Use app/symfony/Makefile update rule
$ make sf-console:translation:update ARGS="--output-format xlf --dump-messages --force en" # Use bin/console
$ make sf-console:c:c ARGS="--env=dev"
Take a look on Makefile rules to know which commands to use.
$ make symfony:tests # Behat and PHPUnit tests
$ make symfony:qa # Quality & Assurance tools
If you want to fully merge your Symfony application with Docker and not take advantage of my design, you can keep this directory structure but split dependencies in different Docker containers. For example, with Node dependency (for Yarn used by Webpack-Encore):
# In docker-compose.yml
build: ./docker/node
container_name: starter_node
working_dir: /srv
restart: on-failure
# In docker-compose.override.yml
- "./:/srv"
# Create a Node Dockerfile
FROM node:13.10-alpine
LABEL maintainer="Gaëtan Rolé-Dubruille <>"
RUN apk add --no-cache su-exec && \
addgroup bar && \
adduser -D -h /home -s /bin/sh -G bar foo
RUN apk add yarn --no-cache --repository && \
yarn install
COPY ./bin/ /usr/local/bin/entrypoint
RUN set -o errexit -o nounset -o xtrace; \
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/entrypoint"]
# In Makefile, call Yarn from the Node container
YARN = $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -T node /usr/local/bin/entrypoint yarn
Do not hesitate to improve this repository, creating your PR on GitHub with a description which explains it.
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