evalMRCP, which stands for evaluation of the Movement-Related Cortical Potential, is a specialised pipeline based on visualEEG, emgGO, EEGLAB and lme4 R statistical software package. This pipeline includes all the necessary tools to process raw EEG/EMG data into MRCPs and its features. This pipeline also includes R (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing) code for performing statistical analysis on the latent variables using the linear mixed regression models. It is organised into six steps as listed below.
- Step I: In this step data is imported from different file tyes depending on the recording system and saved as .mat files with uniform file and variable naming.
- Step II: In this step sEMG events are detected and adjusted by visual examination using the emgGO toolbox.
- Step III: In this step epochs are first manually removed by visual inspection, then epochs with eye blinks and movement artefacts are removed using the EEGLAB runica algorithm, and finally, epochs are removed by applying a peak-peak threshold.
- Step IV: In this step extra channels are removed, and latent variables are derived.
- Step V: In this step data from individual files is collated into tables in long format and exported as .csv files.
- Step VI: In this step statistical analysis is performed and results are plotted.
Currently evalMRCP is being developed on MATLAB 2017b.
As evalMRCP consists of sub-modules such as EEGLAB, the repository has to be cloned using the following command.
$ git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/GallVp/evalMRCP