Supported platforms: IOS
Supported lanuages: C++
Requirements: Cocos2D-X: 3.x+, iOS 7+
- Custom data is supported for special offers.
- The information about a device's locale is sent to Game of Whales.
- Push notification about special offer comes at the same time with the special offer (new parameter
was added):
void onPushDelivered(const gameofwhales::SpecialOffer * so, const char* camp, const char* title, const char* message)
- Static methods were added instead of
Download the latest sdk version from our server:
Copy files
- from
- from
to your project:
Add [YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDLER]/proj.ios_mac/GameOfWhales.framework
to your project:
In Info.plist
set App Transport Security Settings/Allow Arbitrary Loads
to YES:
Initialize SDK with your game key.
#include "GameOfWhales/GameOfWhales.h"
bool debugLogging = true;
gameofwhales::initialize("YOUR_GAME_KEY", debugLogging);
Add SDK's listener
class HelloWorld : public gameofwhales::Listener
bool HelloWorld::init()
Implement needed listener's methods
void specialOfferAppeared(const SpecialOffer& offer) override;
void specialOfferDisappeared(const SpecialOffer& offer) override;
void onPushDelivered(const gameofwhales::SpecialOffer * so, const char* camp, const char* title, const char* message) override;
void onPurchaseVerified(const char* transactionID, gameofwhales::PURCHASE_STATE state) override;
The purchase state can be:
- VERIFY_STATE_LEGAL - a purchase is normal.
- VERIFY_STATE_ILLEGAL - a purchase is a cheater's.
- VERIFY_STATE_UNDEFINED - GOW server couldn't define the state of a purchase.
Send information about IAPs, for example, by using BOXSDK
void HelloWorld::onSuccess(sdkbox::Product const& p)
std::string receiptJSON = gameofwhales::buildReceipt(gameofwhales::STORE_APPSTORE, p.transactionID.c_str(), p.receiptCipheredPayload.c_str());
const char * sku =;
float price = p.priceValue;
const char * currencyCode = p.currencyCode.c_str();
const char * transactionID = p.transactionID.c_str();
gameofwhales::inAppPurchased(sku, price, currencyCode, transactionID, receiptJSON.c_str());
Check that Android Bundle Identifier and Android Public License Key have been filled on Game Settings page before you will make a purchase.
Send user data, for example:
gameofwhales::json::JSON data;
data["coins"] = _playerData.getCoins();
data["gender"] = _playerData.getGender();
data["location"] = _playerData.getLocation();
data["class"] = _playerData.getSpeciality();
If you send more than 3000 properties, Game of Whales will sort all properties alphabetically and will save only the first 3000.
If the length of a string-type property is more than 64 characters, Game of Whales will save only the first 64 characters.
Send information about user currency consuming, for example:
const char * currency = "coins";
int itemCost = 1000;
const char * itemName = "item1";
int amount = 1;
const char * place = "shop";
gameofwhales::consume("currency, itemCost, itemName, amount, place);
It means that someone spent 1000 "coins" for 1 "item1" in "shop".
Send information about user currency obtainment, for example:
const char * currency = "coins";
int value = 5000;
const char * itemName = "yourgame.product.iap";
int amount = 1;
const char * place = "bank";
gameofwhales::acquire(currency, value, itemName, amount, place);
It means that someone has acquired 5000 "coins" for 1 "yourgame.product.iap" in "bank".
You need to do this chapter steps only if you want to use push notifications in your app.
In order to request permission for push notifications, add code to your AppDelegate
class, for example:
UNAuthorizationOptions authOptions =
| UNAuthorizationOptionSound
| UNAuthorizationOptionBadge;
[[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter] requestAuthorizationWithOptions:authOptions completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError * _Nullable error) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications];
Show message to user when app in foreground and send "reacted" event
void onPushDelivered(const char* camp, const char* title, const char* message)
//show message box and then call:
To register device token, add next code to your AppDelegate
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
[[GW shared] registerDeviceTokenWithData: deviceToken provider:GW_PROVIDER_APN];
In order to provide information about received notifications, add next code to your AppDelegate
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler
[[GW shared] receivedRemoteNotification:userInfo withApplication:application fetchCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
In order to check notifications implementation send a test notification.
Before any product can be used in a special offer it has to be bought by someone after SDK has been implemented into the game. Please make sure your game has at least one purchase of the product that is going to be used in the special offer. If you want to create a special offer for in game resource, please, make sure your game has at least one converting event with the appropriate resource.
You need to do this chapter steps only if you want to use special offers from Game of Whales in your app.
To get information about special offers changes implement next listener's methods:
void specialOfferAppeared(const SpecialOffer& offer) override;
void specialOfferDisappeared(const SpecialOffer& offer) override;
To receive information about special offer for product call gameofwhales::getSpecialOffer
//buying some product
const char* productID = "item1";
float price = 1000;
float count = 10;
const gameofwhales::SpecialOffer * offer = gameofwhales::getSpecialOffer(productID);
if (offer && !offer->isExpiried())
if (offer->hasPriceFactor() )
//change price for product
price *= offer->priceFactor;
if (offer->hasCountFactor())
count *= offer->countFactor;
It's possible to pass custom data to special offers. In order to get the data in game's side, use customValues
parameter of SpecialOffer
string str = offer.customValues["your_string"];
int number = atoi(offer.customValues["your_number"].c_str());
bool boolean = atoi(offer.customValues["your_bool"].c_str());
You can find an example of using the SDK here.
Run your app. The information about it began to be collected and displayed on the dashboard. In a few days, you will get data for analyzing.
This article includes the documentation for Game of Whales Cocos2D SDK. You can find information about other SDKs in documentation about Game of Whales.