r1x is intended to become an OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering / game engine.
It is in early stage. Tested on Ubuntu and Android.
Simple examples with some animated sprites from a texture atlas and rendering 3d mmodels (obj) can be found in the examples folder
- Loading Textures
- Texture Atlases (from Cheetah Texture Packer, json format)
- Sprites - Sprite sheet animations - colormask and transparency per sprite (1 rendering call for whole SpriteMap)
- Shaders
- Hermite curves
- Loading and Rendering 3D models from OBJ files
- Mesh Instancing
- ViewPort and Camera abstraction classes
- Loading levels built with the Tiled editor and exported in json format. (see examples/TiledMap.cpp)
- Playing wav files, (play, pause,resume,loop, stop)
- Texture Fonts / color text rendering
- Buttons.
- Icons
- TextLabels
- InputArea (processing tap/mouse clicks)
- events
- delegates
- event dispatcher,
- delegate dispatcher,
- timer
- pseudo randomizer
- smart pointers