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Micro editor with customizations (Windows only - sorry)


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This is my Micro. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


  • Introduction
  • Custom key bindings
  • External tools
  • Installation


Micro is a terminal based code editor ... more of this on the official web site.

Features listed include:

  • Easy to use and install.
  • No dependencies or external files are needed — just a single binary.
  • Multiple cursors.
  • Common key bindings
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Copy and paste with the system clipboard.
  • Regex search and replace
  • Small and simple.
  • Easily configurable.


  • Your terminal, your problem: key bindings are dependent upon your terminal sending the key codes to Micro. Most terminals have limitations and will not recognise common key chords (e.g. Windows Console, via cmd.exe, won't distinguish between Ctrl+Alpha and Ctrl+Alt+Alpha).
  • Features not implemented: Code Folding, Modal Editing, Spell checking, Replace newline characters
  • Lua chunks fail as a whole: Each separate Lua file is parsed as a unit, failure will invalidate all the functions defined in that file.

I have chosen to customise Micro, far away from the defaults:

  • Launch Micro using a batch file, to set title and use a local home directory (not ~/.config/micro ).
  • Custom key bindings that click in my mind, but don't all work directly with the windows console.
  • Autohotkey to translate some key chords so they are recognised by both the windows console and Micro.
  • External tools, some of which are Windows only.

These customisations are only possible thanks to the giants who's shoulders I have stood upon! I have tried to acknowledge the sources of code in my script - please let me know if I have missed you out.

Before presenting my changes, a word about plugins - I feel there is a valid case against plugins:

  • I don't like it when plugins overwrite my keyboard shortcuts.
  • I don't want to install/learn git.
  • I don't want to load any code I don't understand.
  • All my Lua is in one file - init.lua.

Custom files

Each file in this repository is annotated and should explain what is happening.

The directory structure is important so my script can find files when necessary

|   micro.bat
|   micro.exe
|   micro.ahk
|   |   bindings.json
|   |   init.lua
|   |   lua.lua
|   |   settings.json
|   |
|   +---colorschemes - only additions or modifications
|   |       gmh.micro
|   |       gmh_blue.micro
|   |       gmh_light.micro
|   |
|   +---favorites
|   |       commands.txt
|   |       files.txt
|   |       lua.txt
|   |       recent.txt
|   |       recent.txt.tmp
|   |       shell.txt
|   |       textfilter.txt
|   |
|   +---help  - only additions or modifications
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   +---history
|   |       cd.fzf
|   |       cmd.fzf
|   |       com.fzf
|   |       find.fzf
|   |       findinfiles.fzf
|   |       fzf.fzf
|   |       goto.fzf
|   |       help.fzf
|   |       ins.fzf
|   |       key.fzf
|   |       lines.fzf
|   |       lines.lua
|   |       lua.fzf
|   |       open.fzf
|   |       ref.fzf
|   |       shell.fzf
|   |       snip.fzf
|   |       tem.fzf
|   |       textfilter.fzf
|   |       zback.fzf
|   |
|   +---syntax - only additions or modifications
|   |       bat.yaml
|   |       html.yaml
|   |       Readme.txt
|   |       sqlite.yaml
|   |       text.yaml
|   |
|   \---zBackup

Custom key bindings

For Windows many of these key bindings will not work without Autohotkey, which translates them into alternatives recognised by both the console and Micro.

In my trials of many editors, there are some editing actions and shortcuts I find useful - so I have adopted them. In my selections you can see traces of CUA, WordStar and even Vim.

Moving - local to cursor

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Move Word Left Ctrl_Left
Move Word Right Ctrl_Right
BOL Ctrl_B, Home
EOL Ctrl_E, End
Up Line Up
Down Line Down
Up Full Page PgUp
Down Full Page PgDn
BOF Ctrl_Home
EOF Ctrl_End
Jump Brackets Ctrl_J
Goto Line Number Ctrl_G
GoForwards Regex-i Ctrl_] here
GoBackwards Regex-i Ctrl_[ here


Actions______________ Keys_________________
Select All Ctrl_A
Select Word Ctrl_Space
Select Word Back Ctrl_Shift_Space
Select BOL Ctrl_Shift_B, S_Home
Select EOL Ctrl_Shift_E, S_End
Select Line(s) Down Ctrl_L
Select Line(s) Up Ctrl_Shift_L
Select Inner Ctrl_Shift_I
Select Outer Ctrl_Shift_J
SelectForwards Regex-i Ctrl_Shift_] here
SelectBackwards Regex-i Ctrl_Shift_[ here
Swap Anchor<>Caret Ctrl_-

Basic editing actions

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Delete Word Left Ctrl_Bksp
Delete Word Right Ctrl_Del
Delete to EOL Ctrl_K
Delete to BOL Ctrl_Shift_K
Delete Line(s) Ctrl_Y
Insert Line Break Enter
Add Line Above Ctrl_Enter
Add Line Below Shift_Enter
Move Line(s) Up Ctrl_Shift_Up
Move Line(s) Down Ctrl_Shift_Down
Duplicate Line(s) Ctrl_D
Indent Line(s) Ctrl_Shift_>
Outdent Line(s) Ctrl_Shift_<
Undo Ctrl_Z
Undoundo Ctrl_Shift_Z
Autocomplete Word Ctrl_/
Toggle Comments Ctrl_Q
Toggle WordWrap Ctrl_Shift_W

Clipboard Actions

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Cut Ctrl_X
CutAppend Ctrl_Shift_X TODO
Copy Ctrl_C
CopyAppend Ctrl_Shift_C TODO
Paste Ctrl_V
PastePlain Ctrl_Shift_V


Actions______________ Keys_________________
Find Forward Ctrl_F
Find Word Ctrl_*
Find Regex Ctrl_Shift_F
Find in Files Ctrl_Alt_F
Next Find Ctrl_Down
Prev Find Ctrl_Up
Replace Ctrl_H
Replace All Ctrl_Shift_H
Mark all Ctrl_M
UnMark all Ctrl_U


Actions______________ Keys_________________
Goto Line Ctrl_G
Toggle Bookmark TODO
Next Bookmark TODO
Prev Bookmark TODO
Next File Ctrl_Tab
Prev File Ctrl_Shift_Tab
Open Selection Ctrl_Shift_O

File commands

Actions______________ Keys_________________
File New Tab Ctrl_N
File New Window Ctrl_Alt_N
File Save Ctrl_S
File Revert Ctrl_R Broken and dissabled
File Print Ctrl_P TODO
File Close Ctrl_W
File Spell Check Ctrl_F7
File Backup Ctrl_Alt_B
File Run Ctrl_Alt_R
Run Makeit.bat Ctrl_Alt_M
Open Todo.txt Ctrl_Alt_T

Dialog boxes

There are some instances where a clickable dialog box can be very useful (uses extrnal tools from

Actions______________ Keys_________________
File Open DLG Ctrl_O
File Insert DLG Ctrl_I
File Save As DLG Ctrl_Shift_S


Actions______________ Keys_________________
Multicursor Up Ctrl_Shift_U
Multicursor Down Ctrl_Shift_D
Multicursor Next Ctrl_Shift_N
Multicursor Skip Next Ctrl_Shift_P
Multicursor Remove Last Ctrl_Shift_R
Multicursor Edit All Ctrl_Shift_A TODO
Multicursor Edit Found Ctrl_Shift_G TODO
Multicursor Remove All Ctrl_Shift_Q
Prefix Lines Alt_[
Postfix Lines Alt_]


TODO Micro won't fold yet!

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Toggle Fold All Ctrl_Alt_Z
Expand Fold Section Ctrl_Alt_Right
Collapse Fold Section Ctrl_Alt_Left
Move Next Fold Ctrl_Alt_Down
Move Prev Fold Ctrl_Alt_Up

Splitting Screens

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Current Split Right F8
Current Split Below F7
Close Split Right Shift_F8
Close Split Below Shift_F7
New Window Right Alt_F8
New Window Below Alt_F7
Move to Frame Down Alt_Down
Move to Frame Up Alt_Up
Move to Frame Left Alt_Left
Move to Frame Right Alt_Right

Mode Selection

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Command Mode Ctrl_:
Shell Mode Ctrl_#
Textfilter Mode Ctrl_@
Lua Mode Ctrl_=

LSP Actions

Actions______________ Keys_________________
CompleteWord Ctrl_/
Format TODO
Definition TODO

FZF as an alternative interface

Fuzzy finder is a fantastic piece of software. There is enough power to replace almost all user interface widgets. I have implemented many functions with unmodified fzf.exe, using helpers such as bat.exe, findstr.exe and grep.exe.

It is helpful to use a different colour scheme for the fzf screens to aid in context switching. When fzf is active it has it's own keybindings.

  • TBC - default bindings

Fzf has its own syntax to control filtering:

  • ^ matches pattern at the beginning (START)
  • $ matches pattern at the end (END)
  • ' literal search pattern (EXACT)
  • ! exclude search pattern (NOT)
  • | alternate search pattern (OR)
  • Space for multiple patterns (AND)

Terms are separated by spaces - not sure braces work.

Keybindings list

A searchable list of keybindings, this is great method to increase discoverability:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Keybindings FZF Alt_K
Edit default keybinds Alt_Shift_K

Command list

Powerful editors have command lines, this list includes annotations about the commands, merged with the command history:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Default command bar Ctrl_:
Commands FZF Alt_:
Edit Command lists Alt_Shift_:

Goto list

This allows fzf searching of the current file, and then navigates to the selected position (you can also search for a line number).

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Goto text FZF Alt_G

Goto previous list

Keeping a log of editing locations during a session, allows easy backtracking.

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Previous location FZF Alt_P

Goto found list

Entering a target string filters the current file, then additional plain text searching is done using FZF.

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Find FZF Alt_F
Find Regex FZF Alt_Shift_F
Find in files FZF Alt_Ctrl_F

Goto buffer list

Switching between open buffers needs to be as painless as possible. This list includes open windows, recent files and favourites:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Window list FZF Alt_W
Edit favourite list Alt_Shift_W

Open file list

This is one area where FZF shines. Using the current buffer path as proxy for the project domain, let the file finding begin:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
File list FZF Alt_O
Edit favourites list Alt_Shift_O

Open backup list

This works best for locally stored versions sharing similar filenames. e.g. .\zBackup\2023_09_23_67465_Filename.ext

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Backup list FZF Alt_B
Explore backups Alt_Shift_B

Open help list

I like to keep local copies of the runtime help files, add my own MarkDown files, and use cheatsheets:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Help list FZF Alt_H
Edit help file FZF Alt_Shift_H

Diff against list

I use this for locally stored versions sharing similar filenames. e.g. .\zBackup\2023_09_23_67465_Filename.ext

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Diff target list FZF Alt_D
Edit target location Alt_Shift_D

Insert file list

Insert file/filename from project:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Insert file list FZF Alt_I
Insert filename FZF Alt_Shift_I

Insert unique word list

Select complete words from the current open buffer, can help avoid typos in variable names:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Word list FZF Alt_U

Insert line list

A list of useful annotated one liners, by file type:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Line list FZF Alt_L
Edit lines Alt_Shift_L

Insert template list

From a selection of template files.

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Template list FZF Alt_T
Edit templates Alt_Shift_T

Insert snippet list

From a selection of snippets.

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Snippet list FZF Alt_S
Edit Snippets Alt_Shift_S

Shell command list

This list includes saved shell commands:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Shell Cmd list FZF Alt_#
Edit favourite list Alt_Shift_#
Shell COMSPEC Ctrl_Alt_#

Textfilter command list

This lists saved textfilter commands:

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Textfilter list FZF Alt_@
Edit textfilter list Alt_Shift_@

Lua commands

Lua commands may be entered in a command line, or replaced in the text.

Actions______________ Keys_________________
Lua Mode Ctrl_=
Lua list FZF Alt_=
Edit Lua commands Alt_Shift_=
Interpret selection Ctrl_Alt_=

External Tools and Files

These are the external tools I use from Micro:

I keep the spellchecker (with dictionaries) local to Micro, along with any text files for insertion (Templates,Snippets,Lines of code):

|   micro.bat
|   micro.exe
|   micro.ahk
+---confMicro - As above
|   |   ... 
|       en_GB.aff
|       en_GB.dic
|       en_GB.usr
|       en_med_glut.dic
|       en_US.aff
|       en_US.dic
|       es_ES.aff
|       es_ES.dic
|       hunspell.bat
|       hunspell.exe
|       hunspell.txt
|       Hunspellx.txt
|       Hunspellx64.dll
|       Hunspellx86.dll
|       libhunspell-1.3-0.dll
|       libiconv-2.dll
|       libintl-8.dll
|       libncurses5.dll
|       libreadline6.dll
|       MadDict.en_GB
|       temp.txt
|       user.dic
|       USER_DICT.aff
|       USER_DICT.dic
|       api
|       api.bat
|       api.html
|       api.lua
|       api.mmd
|       api.sqlite
|       api.txt
|   |   
|   +---html
|   |       image.htm
|   |       table.htm
|   |       
|   +---md
|   |
|   |       
|   \---mmd
|           table.mmd

Additionally, above my editor folder I have a help folder full of files, including a download from micro-cheat.


Just download the repository to a folder of your choice. I am in the process of removing any absolute paths from my script.

I am not a git user, so all the files have been dragged and dropped into the repository. Happy to discuss the contents, no idea how to accept pull requests!

Kind Regards Gavin Holt