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Ajna - The Covid Envision

The Main Obejctive of this project to prevent the spread of the coronavirus
pandemic in College. Ajna uses contact tracing to record details of all the
people you may have come in contact with as you go about your normal
activities. If any one of your contacts, tests positive for COVID-19, you can be
Once you have installed the App, it will guide you through the on boarding
process to register yourself. To register for the App, you are needed to provide
your USN. In addition, you are also asked for your Mobile Number, Name,
UserName and Password. The User has to Login with Credentials to Access the 
Application. The User has to Update the Meet and Travel details Regularly in the App. 
The Application will have the all the Helpful Information on the Covid 19. The
Covid Self Checker , A tool to help you detect the Risk of Infection. The
application will alert you if any one of your contacts tests positive.

------------------ Project Description ------------------
This system will helps to give quick respond time when doing daily login
into system. Students inquiries will be responding in an efficient way because
the system can help to keep track of the member record quickly. The system
also can help to save the manpower in maintaining the paperwork record that
kept in system will save the paper cost, and manpower cost that normally
require more staff to take care of the paper document and using database
also save the place to store the document.
If the user can get registered by clicking on the Register button and
provide the required information as specified. Each time the registered
customer come on to the site he can makes use of the user name and the
password that is allocated to him. The User has to Update the Meet and
Travel details Regularly in the Application. The Application will have the all the
Helpful Information on the Covid 19. The self-assessment test, evaluates the
likelihood of COVID-19 infection based on your self-reported symptoms and
other relevant information like diseases declared and contacts. This
evaluation takes place on the Application and the Risk Status is communicated
to you immediately in terms of green, yellow or Red colours.

1. Automatic Contact tracing
2. Self-Assessment test(Covid Check)
3. Risk Status of User
4. Emergency COVID-19 Helpline contacts
5. Nationwide COVID-19 Zones Statistics.
6. Prevention Measures.

----------------- HOME SCREEN -------------------
 The User has to Update the details of all the people they have come in
contact with as they go about their normal activities.

 The User Can Search for the Student , District , State etc for the Covid

3. RESET :
 The User can Reset the Meet And Travel History.
 The History will be Deleted in 15 Days after Opting for Reset.

 The impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19 ) is evolving every day.
 Contact Tracing has emerged a critical method to control the spread of Covid-
 In the unfortunate event that any of the people that you came in contact with
during the last 14 days, tests positive for COVID-19 or Suspects the Infection ,
It Updates the Status of People in the Notification Tab.

 The Covid Check is an self-assessment test, based on ICMR guidelines,
evaluates the likelihood of COVID-19 infection based on your self-reported
symptoms and other relevant information like diseases declared(SELF-
DECLARE). The results are communicated to you immediately
in terms of Green, Yellow or Red colours.

 This Tab Displays the Meet and Travel History of the User.
 This History Resets Every 15 Days.

The Centre had announced the criteria for classifying districts into
three zones depending on the number of coronavirus cases. The list of
districts in these zones was to be updated by the various states on a weekly
basis, allowing states to decide the Red, Green and Orange zones so as to
enable the state governments to reopen certain segments of the economy in

 Red zone areas or the hotspots are classified as those areas with the
highest caseload, contributing to more than 80 per cent of cases in India.
Or, the highest case load districts contributing to more than 80 per cent of
cases for each state in India. Or, the district with doubling rate less than
four days.

 Areas with zero confirmed cases till date or no confirmed case in the last
21 days were in the Green zone. It will see further relaxation.

 The areas with a limited number of cases in the past and with no surge in
positive cases recently would be included under the orange zone. Only
restricted activities such as limited public transport and farm product
harvesting is expected to be allowed in the coronavirus orange zone.

 To combat coronavirus, The government has set up a 24X7 helpline
number to attend to queries about the novel coronavirus (nCov).
 The coronavirus helpline numbers can also be used to report symptoms,
travel history, and in turn, seek medical guidance and precautionary
measures to be followed.


The Home Screen has 3 classifications signifying increasing risk of infection:
Green, Yellow, and Red.

1. GREEN : The Green classification on your Screen signifies that you are safe.
You are safe when :
 Either you haven’t met anyone who has been tested COVID-19 Positive
 You haven’t declared any symptoms and conditions related to COVID-
19 during Self-Covid Check or both.

2. YELLOW : The Yellow classification on your screen signifies Moderate or
Low risk of infection.
You are at Moderate or low risk Of Infection :
 You may have met someone who has been tested COVID-19 positive
but your interaction was limited and socially distant or
 You have indicated one of the symptoms or conditions related to
COVID-19 during Self-Covid Check.

3. RED : The Red classification on your screen signifies you have been tested
COVID-19 Positive.
 You have recently met someone who has been tested COVID-19
positive and you came in close proximity with that someone during the
meeting and/or for a significant period of time.
 You have Indicated symptom sand / or conditions related to COVID-19
during Self-Covid Check.


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