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Releases: GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl


02 May 17:07
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GMT v1.13.1

Diff since v1.13.0

Merged pull requests:

  • Need to cast the UInts floats in UInts GMTimage algebras (#1424) (@joa-quim)
  • Check that we are not asking gdal to read a file with region larger than its dimensions. (#1425) (@joa-quim)
  • Test for AbstractDict instead of Dict when expecting an input via Python. This expands access via JuiaCall. (#1426) (@joa-quim)
  • When plotting histograms of RGB images, do it with 3 sub-figures. (#1427) (@joa-quim)
  • Fix bugs of non declared vars hidden by the nasty PrecompileTools bug. (#1428) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.12.2" (#1413)
  • Update links for documentation in ecosystem page (#1422)


24 Apr 14:07
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GMT v1.13.0

Diff since v1.12.2

Merged pull requests:

  • More fixes for the case when we are calling legend!(...) with configs only. (#1414) (@joa-quim)
  • Change some variables default type to get better type stability. (#1415) (@joa-quim)
  • UInt16 cubes can now be used too in imshow (#1416) (@joa-quim)
  • Add logical +,-,|,&,xor operations to UInt5 and Boolean GMTimages (#1417) (@joa-quim)
  • Let imagesc also have the stretch option. (#1418) (@joa-quim)
  • Extend the grid algebraic operations to GMTimage as well. (#1419) (@joa-quim)
  • Add a 'grays2rgb' function to compose three gray images into a RGB. (#1420) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • gmtbegin & gmtend(:show) code block cannot embed figure in Jupyter notebook (#1402)
  • Register v"1.12.1" (#1405)
  • Different outcomes on specifying legends (#1406)


08 Apr 12:12
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GMT v1.12.2

Diff since v1.12.1

Merged pull requests:

  • Let 'legend' function be used to finish settings of the 'legend' option. (#1407) (@joa-quim)
  • Fix situations where using :name and :show would error or not show. (#1408) (@joa-quim)
  • Add option to image_alpha! to burn the transparency instead of adding it as layer. (#1409) (@joa-quim)
  • Let legend settings (fonts, etc) be also set at end and work with showfig() (#1410) (@joa-quim)
  • Need to have the same kwargs in both getprovider methods. (#1411) (@joa-quim)
  • Fixes for letting modern mode scripts print correctly in notebooks. (#1412) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.12.0" (#1394)


31 Mar 23:06
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GMT v1.12.1

Diff since v1.12.0

Merged pull requests:

  • Fixes for the cases when grid/array is float and has NaNs (#1395) (@joa-quim)
  • Improve the tiles function to also return a tiles mesh and add 'region' kw. (#1396) (@joa-quim)
  • Remove all GMT. prefix from doc strings. Improve the @? macro (#1397) (@joa-quim)
  • Fix two bugs in imgtiles and improve doc strings. (#1398) (@joa-quim)
  • Add a -N parser to allow long options. Add 3 visual examples. (#1399) (@joa-quim)
  • Add <, >, <= and >= GMTgrid operations. (#1400) (@joa-quim)
  • Let getbyattrib also accept a vector of strings. (#1401) (@joa-quim)
  • Make an exception for multicolumn and the bar module, otherwise bar may break. (#1403) (@joa-quim)
  • Fix gmtbegin show. Don "show" via GMT call but via GMT.jl functions (#1404) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.11.1" (#1375)


11 Mar 22:06
Choose a tag to compare

GMT v1.12.0

Diff since v1.11.1

Merged pull requests:

  • Add Nimbo provider to mosaic. (#1376) (@joa-quim)
  • Expand de mosaic Nimbo provider with date and othe cache dir fixes. (#1377) (@joa-quim)
  • Add the img_funs.jl file (#1378) (@joa-quim)
  • Auo detect NASA OceanColor SST and chlorophyll cpts (#1379) (@joa-quim)
  • Correctly UD flip side walls depending on the value of 'zdown' (#1380) (@joa-quim)
  • Finish implementing sub-regions in cubeplot. (#1381) (@joa-quim)
  • Add option to plot coastlines on the topt side of the cube. (#1382) (@joa-quim)
  • Add more projections to the list of those that need -R...+r (#1384) (@joa-quim)
  • Let an attribute be passable to plot -Z option. (#1385) (@joa-quim)
  • Fix one corner case where UIn16 tiff files were expected to always be cubes. (#1387) (@joa-quim)
  • Fix a probable regression where the 'zoom' option was not getting the right -R (#1388) (@joa-quim)
  • Add mechanism to have different figure names per session. (#1389) (@joa-quim)
  • Automatically set the GDAL_DATA env variable (#1390) (@joa-quim)
  • Drop GMT. qualifier when possible. (#1391) (@joa-quim)
  • When reading those VIIRS UInt16 bands with scale factors, keep them as grids. (#1392) (@joa-quim)
  • Guess if have to use GDAL if the varname has a slash. (#1393) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.11.0" (#1371)


13 Feb 11:07
Choose a tag to compare

GMT v1.11.1

Diff since v1.11.0

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.10.1" (#1349)


12 Feb 00:33
Choose a tag to compare

GMT v1.11.0

Diff since v1.10.1

Merged pull requests:

  • Move the "boxes" code out of pcolor and make it a new function. (#1350) (@joa-quim)
  • Update the list of remote datasets names that can be accessed from earthregions. (#1351) (@joa-quim)
  • Change the grid type to allow complex grids too. Make the necessary cahnges in gdal.jl (#1352) (@joa-quim)
  • Fix the case where band list was ignored when reading a variable from netcdf with GDAL (#1353) (@joa-quim)
  • Add a setccords! function to assign coordinates to grids and images. (#1354) (@joa-quim)
  • Only pass in kwargs to first Dataset (apparently quite mem expensive) (#1355) (@joa-quim)
  • Add a weather() function to plot weather data from (#1356) (@joa-quim)
  • Let also try to plot two different projected axes. (#1357) (@joa-quim)
  • Add a fillnodata() GDAL function (#1358) (@joa-quim)
  • Add a new method of xyzw2cube() that accepts GMTdaset as input. (#1359) (@joa-quim)
  • Reset the CURRENT_CPT to empty after calling gmt("end " * show). (#1360) (@joa-quim)
  • Let viz(cube, slice=?) plot only one slice of the cube C (#1361) (@joa-quim)
  • Need to use isJupyter[] also in VS code notebooks. (#1363) (@joa-quim)
  • Add convoluted test to avoid trying to access a non defined var (args...) (#1364) (@joa-quim)
  • The subplot() function needed to know earlier if it is called in a notebook. (#1365) (@joa-quim)
  • Let cubeplot accept an inset option to show the cube guts. (#1366) (@joa-quim)
  • Improve & fixes on the cubeslice function. (#1367) (@joa-quim)
  • cubeplot() now accepts inset and received a new method to work with cubes. (#1368) (@joa-quim)
  • Let gdalread also fetch the v coordinates for cubes. (#1369) (@joa-quim)
  • Add cubeplot! methods (#1370) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.10.0" (#1346)
  • subplots and normal plots do not show correctly in jupyter-lab environment (#1362)


07 Jan 18:08
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GMT v1.10.1

Diff since v1.10.0

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix the case where no color matrix but X;Y are vectors (#1347) (@joa-quim)
  • Change -S output layout depending on input pts in -S (#1348) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.9.3" (#1340)


06 Jan 05:06
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GMT v1.10.0

Diff since v1.9.3

Merged pull requests:

  • Make GDAL 'contains' an extension of Base.contains so that we can find that method (#1341) (@joa-quim)
  • Add DataFrames as a week dependency. Wrap the DataFrames join functions. (#1342) (@joa-quim)
  • Introduce a experimental gisjoin function (that still doesn't join) (#1343) (@joa-quim)
  • Add a spatialjoin function and change GMTdataset attribute type. (#1344) (@joa-quim)
  • Let pcolor alternatively return the tiles outline in a GMTdataset (#1345) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.9.2" (#1336)


28 Dec 02:17
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GMT v1.9.3

Diff since v1.9.2

Merged pull requests:

  • Add a get_geoglimits() function to a little better determine geog limits of projected grid/images. (#1337) (@joa-quim)
  • Silence GDAL ERRORs when point is not coordinate invertible. (#1338) (@joa-quim)
  • Let plot be nested in other module calls. (#1339) (@joa-quim)

Closed issues:

  • Register v"1.9.1" (#1331)