Releases: GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl
Releases · GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl
GMT v1.9.2
Merged pull requests:
- Add option to wrap KernelSmooth objects. (#1332) (@joa-quim)
- Add units to -W to avoid corner case where a deprecated syntax was inferred (#1334) (@joa-quim)
- Add new method that clips an input grid or image by masking the polygon(s) outside. (#1335) (@joa-quim)
Closed issues:
- Register v"1.9.0" (#1328)
GMT v1.9.0
Merged pull requests:
- Fix bug introduced when reducing the methods. clip needs a method with no positional args. (#1317) (@joa-quim)
- Changes to allow modern mode cells in Jupyter. (#1318) (@joa-quim)
- Add functions to do zonal statistics. (#1319) (@joa-quim)
- When processing the DCW polygons check min size and assign a NAME attribute. (#1320) (@joa-quim)
- Only scan the header field if DCWnames is true. (#1321) (@joa-quim)
- Only create a attrib["Feature_ID"] if GMT date is > 10 December 21023 (#1322) (@joa-quim)
- Correctly slice Pixel interleaved images. (#1323) (@joa-quim)
- Un-comment a kine that was reverting the n_colors trick to write Mx4 colormaps. (#1324) (@joa-quim)
- Let gmtread be able to read a nc cube with 'layers=:all' (#1325) (@joa-quim)
- Add dumb positional arg to mat2img to allow dispatch with UInt16 (#1326) (@joa-quim)
- Add a 'cumdist' option to allow easy computation of accumulated distance along tracks. (#1327) (@joa-quim)
Closed issues:
- Register v"1.7.0" (#1299)
GMT v1.8.0
Merged pull requests:
- Use sprintf instead of @sprintf in some places. Fix issue in gmtread. Less methods. (#1300) (@joa-quim)
- Fix a few instabilities in orbits and pca. (#1301) (@joa-quim)
- More type stabilities attempts. Fix bug in time column determination when only one column is present. (#1302) (@joa-quim)
- More attempts to reduce the number of dynamic dispatches (#1303) (@joa-quim)
- Lower Julia version requirement to 1.6. (#1304) (@joa-quim)
- Let guess_T_from_ext() also find the .arrow, .feather & .parquet files. (#1306) (@joa-quim)
- Add more wrappers & methods to support the new gdaldrivers() function. (#1307) (@joa-quim)
- Add a new moisaic() function that downloads and mosaic images tiles served by web tiles servers. (#1308) (@joa-quim)
- Use the pt_radius to create the proj4 string saved in the GMTimage. (#1309) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the mosaic cache mechanism. (#1310) (@joa-quim)
- Add a geocoder() function to get coordinates of Addresses. (#1311) (@joa-quim)
- Add option to return the image with the exact requested limits. (#1312) (@joa-quim)
- Let providers type from TilesProvider be accepted as well in mosaic() (#1313) (@joa-quim)
- Make the exact limits be the default behavior. (#1314) (@joa-quim)
- Revert #1287 that removed is_in_kwargs and broke several things. (#1315) (@joa-quim)
Closed issues:
- Precompilation issue on mac (#1234)
GMT v1.7.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add PCA functions for matrices, datasets, grids and images. (#1263) (@joa-quim)
- Add k-means functions. (#1264) (@joa-quim)
- Fix bad logic in DS extracting columns by name with Time. (#1265) (@joa-quim)
- Add sealand/terramar functions (#1266) (@joa-quim)
- Add the cmap2cpt wherev a CPT is rebuilt from Image's colormap. (#1267) (@joa-quim)
- Change Image's nodata type to Float32 (#1268) (@joa-quim)
- Add the "labels" field to the GMTimage type to hold categorical color names. (#1269) (@joa-quim)
- Hopefully fix once for all the detection of categorical CPTs. (#1270) (@joa-quim)
- Add a categorical fields to the GMTcpt type. (#1271) (@joa-quim)
- Fixes various inconsistencies (and bugs) found with the gallery examples. (#1272) (@joa-quim)
- Support Symbol Dict as -T argument (#1273) (@ZMAlt)
- Let gmtset also apply its arguments immediately to the API. (#1274) (@joa-quim)
- Fix bug in common_insert_R!() from previous commit. (#1275) (@joa-quim)
- Reset global variables at begin and end of modern mode scripts. (#1276) (@joa-quim)
- Revert some previous changes regarding dealing with -R...+r cases. (#1277) (@joa-quim)
- Clever dcidions when opt_R2num is dealing with string arguments. (#1278) (@joa-quim)
- Replace Val with val (#1281) (@ZMAlt)
- Fix logic bug that prevented recognizing valid strings starting with @ (#1282) (@joa-quim)
- Fix parsing of '-SEllipse-' parsing. the '-' was lost. (#1283) (@joa-quim)
- Also deal with the case when -S+s gets us two outputs. (#1284) (@joa-quim)
- Call gmt_restart() is a BG color was used. BG colors screw the API state. (#1285) (@joa-quim)
- Changes in some modules to have less methods. (#1286) (@joa-quim)
- Replace 'is_in_kwargs' with buildin function 'in' (#1287) (@ZMAlt)
- Deal with unknow PS corruption when BG color is used. (#1289) (@joa-quim)
- More less methods (#1290) (@joa-quim)
- Rewrite 'del_from_dict' and rename it to 'delete!' (#1291) (@ZMAlt)
- Continue work to cut unused methods that get created by default options. (#1292) (@joa-quim)
- Add new function to generate random points inside polygons (#1293) (@joa-quim)
- Compute vertical vector coordinates for cubes when they don't have a correct one. (#1294) (@joa-quim)
- Protect cube ingestion when it has not set[3] (#1295) (@joa-quim)
- Simplify function arg2str by mlutiple dispatch (#1296) (@ZMAlt)
- SEveral misc fixes including alias reaming, and a no call GMTclose() that sometimes crshed. (#1297) (@joa-quim)
- Add local solution to grdinterpolate from in-memory cubes. (#1298) (@joa-quim)
Closed issues:
GMT v1.6.0
Merged pull requests:
- Fix bad logic in determining if color or gray scale image. (#1258) (@joa-quim)
- Modify grdvector to work as a pre-process to use in future windbarbs program (#1259) (@joa-quim)
- Add windbarbs functions to use future GMT windbarbs supplement. (#1260) (@joa-quim)
- Introduce a ugly hack to workaround a GDAL BUG that identifies uint8 layers as CFloat64. (#1261) (@joa-quim)
Closed issues:
- Register v"1.4.1" (#1245)
GMT v1.5.0
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix case of constant size. Add more documentation. (#1247) (@joa-quim)
- Add docstrings to the cubeplot function and fix a bad default. (#1248) (@joa-quim)
- Let makecpt also accept a GMTgrid in input. (#1249) (@joa-quim)
- Iprove makecpt and grd2cpt to use default CPTs when grids have them. (#1250) (@joa-quim)
- Fix more cases when memory layout is TRB. (#1251) (@joa-quim)
- Add new function, lelandshade, to do texture shading as one-liner. (#1252) (@joa-quim)
- Fix argument calls in gdaldem & makecpt. Use more inplaces. (#1253) (@joa-quim)
- Run the texture shade tests. (#1255) (@joa-quim)
- Fix case when makecpt.jl(Grid,...) received 2 -C (#1256) (@joa-quim)
GMT v1.4.0
Closed issues:
- Register v"1.3.2" (#1229)
Merged pull requests:
- Let kw... be shared by coast and plot3. (#1233) (@joa-quim)
- Let -bi mean that input is a dataset. (#1235) (@joa-quim)
- Let gmtread deal with ogr zipped files (like * (#1236) (@joa-quim)
- Show (all) shapefile attributes in a table. (#1237) (@joa-quim)
- Add function to provide information on grid, images and datasets. (#1238) (@joa-quim)
- Rework the getbyattrib function to select more elements. Make filter and findall aliases of it. (#1239) (@joa-quim)
- Let the centroid (GDAL) function compute all centroids of a vector of GMTdataset. (#1240) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the info() function. (#1241) (@joa-quim)
- Restore the upGMT functionality. Add files to use in tutorials/tests. (#1242) (@joa-quim)
GMT v1.3.3
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests: