Releases: GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl
Releases · GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl
GMT v0.37.0
Closed issues:
- GMT is not getting right bin directory for gmt (#579)
- Discusion about API structure (and comparisons with pygmt) (#689)
- gmtread not reading .json files (#693)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix missing error code (#688) (@adigitoleo)
- Improve heuristics for histogram auto limits lower bounds (#690) (@joa-quim)
- Add functions to access to the GADM countries data in (#691) (@joa-quim)
- Add a Gallery example showing the use of GADM countries. (#694) (@joa-quim)
- Show up the printed names of GDAM example. [skip ci] (#695) (@joa-quim)
- Implement the forgotten (GMT6.2) option -w (#696) (@joa-quim)
- Fix regression in gdalread that was using options without -co and so silently failing. (#697) (@joa-quim)
- Let the gd2gmt and gmt2gd functions use bands description when available (#698) (@joa-quim)
- Let gdal write save metadata passed in the meta=... option (#699) (@joa-quim)
- Add a metadata field to GMTimage holding a string vector. (#700) (@joa-quim)
- Make reading bands on a mutilayer use one-based indexing (#701) (@joa-quim)
- Add sliceimg() function to extract bands from a multi-layered GMTimage. (#702) (@joa-quim)
- Add isnodata function that behaves like isnan but with floats (#704) (@joa-quim)
GMT v0.36.1
Closed issues:
- Register 0.35.0 (#655)
- [WARNING]: GMT_Parse_Options: List interval-setting -B options before other axis -B options to ensure proper parsing. (#680)
Merged pull requests:
- Detect when cutting images and then always use GDAL (#681) (@joa-quim)
- Improve grdview image draping such that it accomodates different projection and region extents. (#682) (@joa-quim)
- Mapproj set proj4 (#683) (@joa-quim)
- Fix gmtsplit regarding the renaming happened in GMT 6.2 (#684) (@joa-quim)
- Consistently use a constant defining the WGS84 proj4 string for geogs. (#685) (@joa-quim)
- Add syntax to use the DCW in a simpler way. (#686) (@joa-quim)
GMT v0.36.0
Closed issues:
- Register 0.34.0 (#636)
- Is there a way to inspect the final GMT command? (#663)
- Better aliases for specifying axes (#665)
- Time series data shifted (#674)
Merged pull requests:
- Add parse_grid() function to deal with specific settings of map grid lines. (#656) (@joa-quim)
- Remove all references of 'axis' keyword from the documentation. (#657) (@joa-quim)
- Add a 'pagecolor' common option. (#658) (@joa-quim)
- Add new function to consolidate the -Bframe part of an option B string (#659) (@joa-quim)
- Fix a leftover utf8 char separator that screwed again multi-word titles. (#660) (@joa-quim)
- Add the possibility of calling bar (no-group) and a vector of colors (#661) (@joa-quim)
- Fix corner case where zcolor and modern mode would result in an empty CPT (#662) (@joa-quim)
- Fixes in grdview, plot and add frame=:full option (#666) (@joa-quim)
- Let calls to frame=(...) compose with the default -B. (#668) (@joa-quim)
- Update the
docs with info about log and power axes. (#669) (@joa-quim) - Add a truecolor() function to automatically do Landsat8 true color images with auto-stretching (#670) (@joa-quim)
- Refine the algo that finds the bounds-limits to histogram stretch. (#671) (@joa-quim)
- Reset the original proj and region after using a second frame in geogs. (#672) (@joa-quim)
- Adapt for moving some functions to the new RemoteS package (#673) (@joa-quim)
- Fix time series one day offset (#675) (@jmkuhn)
- Fix (again and again) the n_columns in make_color_column() (#677) (@joa-quim)
- Add a
field to GMTgrid and GMTimage types (#678) (@joa-quim)
GMT v0.35.0
Closed issues:
- Register 0.33.0 (#624)
Merged pull requests:
- Let ls="DashCirc" and others alike generate line styles with or without symbols. (#638) (@joa-quim)
- Make quoted lines in autostyle be curved. (#639) (@joa-quim)
- Much improve the themes function (#640) (@joa-quim)
- Try to minimize effects of a nasty bug introduced in GMT6.2.0 (#641) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the themes function and its usability (#642) (@joa-quim)
- Document the linestyles and Themes (#643) (@joa-quim)
- Improve linestyles by including front lines (#644) (@joa-quim)
- Change the heuristic factor size of symbols in linestyles (#645) (@joa-quim)
- Add a new "themes language" where many themes can be composed with simple 'words' (#646) (@joa-quim)
- Let the new themes language accept also 'Dark' (#647) (@joa-quim)
- Add function to consolidate option B. (#648) (@joa-quim)
- Fixes to the B option consolidation function. (#649) (@joa-quim)
- Keep track if the axis() function returned a B type. (#650) (@joa-quim)
- Improve ternary. Make it clever to allow later plot! and text! appends (#651) (@joa-quim)
- Ternary fixes to accept setting a Title (#652) (@joa-quim)
- Move the "destroy" functionality into a function (#653) (@joa-quim)
- Settings for V0.35 (#654) (@joa-quim)
GMT v0.34.0
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Let proj=:guess also work for datasets in imshow (#625) (@joa-quim)
- Replace the old API function pj_get_spheroid_defn by the new proj_ellipsoid_get_parameters (#626) (@joa-quim)
- Add functions to compute the direct and inverse problem of a loxodrome on the ellipsoid (#628) (@joa-quim)
- Fix modernmode white margins cropring (#630) (@joa-quim)
- Expand the ternary module to also display images and contours (#631) (@joa-quim)
- Make a workaround to the 6.2.0 bug in the color KEY (#632) (@joa-quim)
- Don't parse option B twice. (#633) (@joa-quim)
- Ternary examples (#634) (@joa-quim)
- Add buffergeo examples. (#635) (@joa-quim)
GMT v0.33.0
Closed issues:
- Register 0.31.0 (#572)
- Plot composition is broken when we select a default graphical format other then PS (#617)
Merged pull requests:
- WIP: Add optional automatic GMT installation (#608) (@joa-quim)
- Make tests pass on GMT6.1.1 (at least on Windows) (#611) (@joa-quim)
- Tweak a bit the auto-install variables (#612) (@joa-quim)
- Add wrapper to grdinterpolate (#613) (@joa-quim)
- Add default options to optimize GeoTIFF and netCDF writing by GDAL (#614) (@joa-quim)
- Add a force_precompile() function. (#615) (@joa-quim)
- Add function to compute a circle in an Ellipoidal Earth (or any other) (#616) (@joa-quim)
- Default to png as the figs format (#618) (@joa-quim)
- Add a Geodesic buffer function (#619) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the quality of the computed Geodesic buffer (#620) (@joa-quim)
- Compute tol as function of buffer width. (#621) (@joa-quim)
- Add geo-triangles-squares-pentagons-hexagons (#622) (@joa-quim)
- Fix parsing of opt_i and opt_o (#623) (@joa-quim)
GMT v0.32.0
Closed issues:
- Register 0.30.1 (#539)
Merged pull requests:
- Add a new method to mat2grid that uses a GMTgrid as template (#573) (@joa-quim)
- Fix bug when parsing 'colorfile' kwarg in 'gdaldem color-relief' (#575) (@joa-quim)
- Catch possible attempt to pass a CPT and an image to GMT. (#576) (@joa-quim)
- Add a gamma correction function. (#577) (@joa-quim)
- Strengthen the interface between GMTimages and GDAL datasets (#578) (@joa-quim)
- Add option to texture_img() to return a [-1 1] intensity grid (#581) (@joa-quim)
- Fix one cpt4dcw() method that did not re-transmit the kwargs. (#582) (@joa-quim)
- Let the 'opts' be given in a single string as well. (#583) (@joa-quim)
- Add more test to gdal_utils.jl functions (#584) (@joa-quim)
- Add more methods to setproj!. Expand it to GMT types. (#585) (@joa-quim)
- Add sqlite access tests (#586) (@joa-quim)
- Add a geom field to the GMTdataset type (#587) (@joa-quim)
- Movo functions from gdal.jl into a new gdal_extensions.jl (#588) (@joa-quim)
- Finalize first round of the GDAL (GEOS types) functions extension to work with GMTdatasets too (#589) (@joa-quim)
- Fix still existing failures in converting back and forth GMT<->GDAL types. (#590) (@joa-quim)
- Add two new function: gdalread and gdalwrite (#591) (@joa-quim)
- Maybe fixed some dark shit where calling ogr2ogr left system in half-broken state. (#592) (@joa-quim)
- Set geometries in GMTdasets created in ogr2GMTdataset() (#593) (@joa-quim)
- Add several methods to read_data() to help minimise type instability propagation. (#595) (@joa-quim)
- Type annotate functions that directly communicate with GMT (#596) (@joa-quim)
- More type annotations (#597) (@joa-quim)
- Try trick to see if we foul stupid coverage failures (#598) (@joa-quim)
- No, revert trick. Didn't work. Stupid coverage wins (#599) (@joa-quim)
- current_cpt is now a const global (#600) (@joa-quim)
- Add functions lonlat2xy and xy2lonlat (#601) (@joa-quim)
- Add a geod and invgeod functions by wrapping PROJ4 lib directly (#602) (@joa-quim)
- Geod fixes in EPGS and WKT usage (#603) (@joa-quim)
- Convert output of GMT_Create_Data() in the caller to avoid type instability (#604) (@joa-quim)
- Test if GA finaly build Documenter Docs. (#605) (@joa-quim)
- Another attempt to build the docs with GA (#606) (@joa-quim)
- otool is dumb and it's not capable of detecting libproj. Search directly in libgdal. (#607) (@joa-quim)
- Fix error in ind2rgb and gd2gmt when mem-layout == "R" (#609) (@joa-quim)
GMT v0.31.0
Closed issues:
- Register 0.30.0 (#530)
Merged pull requests:
- Add a gd2gmt_grid function to convert some datsets in GMTgrid types (#540) (@joa-quim)
- Expand gd2gmt to deal with both grid and images. (#541) (@joa-quim)
- Wrap the getgeotransform call in a try-catch (#542) (@joa-quim)
- New gdal utility functions: gd2gmt, gmt2gd & MODIS_L2 (#543) (@joa-quim)
- Continue extending the GDAL usage (#544) (@joa-quim)
- Expand the MODIS_L2 function do deal with more than just MODIS L2 files (#545) (@joa-quim)
- Expand varspacegrid to optionally return a dataset and accept band kwargs (#546) (@joa-quim)
- Fix bad type in ccall (#547) (@joa-quim)
- Add the ability to get color paletes and let grdcut use GDAL. (#548) (@joa-quim)
- Expand grdcut so taht we can also save the output via GDAL (for images mainly) (#549) (@joa-quim)
- Add gdal tools functions that us a mix of GMT and GDAL syntax (#550) (@joa-quim)
- Add ability to do nested psclip calls (#551) (@joa-quim)
- Add image_cpt! function to add or remove a colormap to GMTimage object (#552) (@joa-quim)
- Let image_init() always declare image arrays as externally allocated (#553) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the existing gdal tools and add a new one: dither() (#554) (@joa-quim)
- Add new -F option to grdcut (#555) (@joa-quim)
- Add a gmt2gm method to convert between GMTdatasets and GDAL datasets (#556) (@joa-quim)
- Tests more gdal.jl lines (#557) (@joa-quim)
- Add method to convert from OGR datasets to GMTdataset (#558) (@joa-quim)
- Let the gd2gmt also fish the proj and do multi-segments (#559) (@joa-quim)
- Add support for reading Multipolygons (#560) (@joa-quim)
- Fin an issue where gdaldem did not close file (#562) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the OGR in -memory creation (#563) (@joa-quim)
- gmt2gd fix the multiLine|Points geometry creation (#565) (@joa-quim)
- Breakup gmt_main into two files (#566) (@joa-quim)
- Introduce a new gdal shade function that uses gdaldem and blends shade+color (#567) (@joa-quim)
- Save the layout in the GMTgrid and use it in gmt2gd (#568) (@joa-quim)
- When updating G.range take car to check extrema_nan() is needed. (#569) (@joa-quim)
- Add wrappers to the texture shading lib (#570) (@joa-quim)
- Prepare to v.0.31 (#571) (@joa-quim)