Hand-Speed is an application that tracks the real-time speed of your pointer. It provides a visual representation of the speed and allows you to monitor the movement of the pointer on your screen.
To run the Hand-Speed application, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/GeoShaPoH/hand-speed-tracker
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install pyautogui pillow
- Run the application:
python hand_speed_tracker.py
- Launch the application by running the script.
- A window titled "Hand-Speed" will appear on your screen.
- The current speed of the pointer will be displayed in millimeters per second.
- Move the pointer around the screen, and the speed will be updated accordingly.
- The application uses the pyautogui library to track the pointer's position on the screen.
- The speed is calculated based on the distance traveled by the pointer between two consecutive measurements.
- The application updates the speed every 0.165 seconds.
- The color of the neon border surrounding the speed display changes gradually to create a visually appealing effect.
- The application window has a fixed size and cannot be maximized to ensure consistent display and user experience. Feel free to explore and customize the code to suit your specific needs.