for the C# MVC Frameworks Course @ SoftUni
- The application is implemented using NET Core framework.
- It uses Razor template engine for generating the UI, together with partial views.
- Microsoft SQL Server as database back-end.
- Use Entity Framework Core to access your database.
- MVC Areas to separate different parts of your application (ReviewArea, AdminArea).
- The UI is responsive using Bootstrap.
- It uses the standard NET Identity System for managing users and roles.
- The user roles are: user and administrator, ProUser.
- Error handling and data validation to avoid crashes when invalid data is entered (both client-side and server-side).
- Handle correctly the special HTML characters and tags like <br /> and <script> (escape special characters).
- Use Dependency Injection.
- Use AutoМapping.
- Prevent from security vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF, parameter tampering, etc.
- Follow the best practices for Object Oriented design and high-quality code for the Web application:
- Use data encapsulation.
- Use exception handling properly.
- Use inheritance, abstraction and polymorphism properly.
- Follow the principles of strong cohesion and loose coupling.
- Correctly format and structure your code, name your identifiers and make the code readable.
- Well looking user interface (UI) somewhat.
- Good usability (easy to use UI), thanks to partial views.
- Supporting of all modern Web browsers.
- Use caching where appropriate.
- Use a source control system by - GitHub.
- Guest Users
- Can log in
- Can Register
- View Home page for Guest users
- Users (logged in)
- View Home page for Authorized users
- Can write comic review /review/comics/create
- Can EDIT theirs posts. /review/comics/edit/{id}
- Can DELETE their posts /review/comics/delete/{id}
- Can view all published comic reviews /review/comics
- Can view details (full info page) for any comic review/comics/details/{id}
- Can see and edit their profile. E.g. Change avatar users/myprofile/{id}
- ProUsers
- Have a special pro user badge in the menu
- Have special pro user badge in their profile
- Administrators
- Can EDIT DELETE comic reviews of ANY user
- Have admin panel (TODO)
- Normal, pass: Normal2017
- ProUser, pass: ProUser2017
- Administrator, pass: Admin2017
- There are already comic reviews seeded.