A Server-Client project made in Java with the use of RMI for managing the booking process in a theater.
In this Theater Booking Application a client can:
- get the available seats, per zone [list]
- book seats [book]
- get the total number of booked seats made by a specific name [guests]
- cancel seats [cancel]
The server is responsible for handling the above functionalities.
In the specific theater there are 5 zones in total. For each one of them there are:
- 100 seats in zone A (type A), each seat costs 45 €
- 200 seats in zone B (type B), each seat costs 35 €
- 400 seats in zone C (type C), each seat costs 25 €
- 225 seats in Center (type CE), each seat costs 30 €
- 75 seats on Sides (type S), each seat costs 20 €
javac *.java
Run Server:
java THServer
Run Client (one of the following!):
java THClient list <hostname>
java THClient book <hostname> <type> <number> <name>
java THClient guests <hostname>
java THClient cancel <hostname> <type> <number> <name>
Server and Client should be running in different terminals.
- JDK 20.0.1