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This application is part of a project involving Raspberry Pi to build a Weather Station. What differentiate this project from others is the setup that separates clearly front end and backend to provide modularity. The whole project is based on javascript.

Description of the main project

The Project is a mix of technologies to provide on a screen information collected by weather sensors and data coming from public API. Because there was space left on the screen and it brings a nice touch, I added a slideshow of pictures located on a USB stick.

Technologies used

The idea here was to bring modularity not only in the way software is built ( so we can easily add new features) but also in order to be able to bring more devices to cover additional rooms or possibilities. I thus decided to build a back-end with Node JS on a raspberry pi 3 Model B communicating with a raspberry pi zero connected to sensors. I am using MQTT as a Message Queue to send data received from sensors to the backend and to update the information presented to the user Interface. in fact, the raspberry pi zero has two roles has in addition to collect data form sensor and ship them to the back end, it also receive from the backend the presentation layer built on vueJS and served to the browser of the RPI Zero where the screen is also connected.

diagram of the solution


Components used

front end and sensors

  • Raspberry pi Zero w
  • Adafruit BME280 sensor – connected by i2c
  • HC-SR501 PIR motion sensor – connected on GPIO 23
  • old VGA monitor (with HDMI to VGA adaptor)
  • Button (not used)– connected on GPIO 25


  • Raspberry pi 3 model B
  • USB stick

Running Chromium on raspberry Pi

I really wanted to re-use an old monitor for this project, bu tit appears that running desktop and chromium on a raspberry pi zero is not the best think I would recommend to do. The system was crashing regularly as memory is quite limited and swap got full. to address that I had to change size of swap changing the following file and restarting the swap.

sudo /etc/dphys-swapfil

change this value : CONF_SWAPFILE=100 (i used 400) then

sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile stop

sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile start


This project is my first RPI project but I wanted to consolidate in a single project information I only found in many disparate sources of information. there is nothing fancy here but it exposes and integrate the result of many interesting concepts and technologies combined

#the Backend# A very basic express.js app built with new modular approach supported only with the latest Node JS version (non LTS). The idea was to build a modular backend that could host many other apps in the future as well as leverage ES6. I added an MQTT client to receive data from the raspberry pi zero and to communicate with the UI.

It is to be noticed that this application is also used to serve the UI. So I created a public folder where I push my Vue Js application which is accessed by any browser connected to local network. The Raspberry pi also acts as the MQTT server so it orchestrate messages coming from the RPI zero and send it to the node application (hosted on the same RPI 3B)


Because I am using ES6 which is not yet supported by standard or LTS version of NODE JS, you need the latest version of node as well as to launch the app with the <--experimental-modules> attribute.

Please note , that the files are not .js files but .mjs files. I am also also using environment variables through the module dotenv. here is the line to start the app.

node --experimental-modules -r dotenv/config index.mjs

In order to make sure the app is always up and running, i am using PM2 and created a ecosystem.config.js file that includes the script to connect to th remote server, initiate a git clone then npm install before running the app. so we start the app by running :

pm2 deploy production setup

deploy on RPI

there are many tutorials on how to run node js on RPI, so I will not do it here but I recommend to use PM2. [PM2]:( is a node.js process manager that bring s a lot of nice features but mainly brings you the capability to deploy your app to a remote server and restart your app if something goes wrong.


Here are the links to the other applications that are part of the project.


Gerald Michelant


You can do whatever you want with this code and learn to have fun with Node.js, Vue Js, Raspberry pi...


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